Women’s Ministry Welcome

Wherever you find yourself on life’s journey there is a place for you at South. We invite you to become involved in a Bible study, a care group or an event where friendships are born, laughter is shared, heartaches are carried, and lives are shaped by God’s life-changing grace.

Visions of Christmas Archive

This annual dinner for women has become a tradition in the good sense of the word. Invite your friends who need to hear the good news of Jesus as we gather around beautifully decorated Christmas tables for a light meal and dessert. We will spend time in the sanctuary singing carols, having a candlelight service and hearing the story of God’s redeeming grace.

Women’s Online Resources

Equippers 2019 Resources – Ministering to Women Grace for Nurturing Others (Gloria Furman) Discipling Women – Mission Precision Walking with Others Who Are Disappointed With God (Nancy Guthrie) Teaching Points for Helping Others Who Are Disappointed With God (Kim Dalman) Helping Those Experiencing Grief Teaching With Fear and Trembling (Jen Wilkin) Teaching With a Deeper… Continue reading Women’s Online Resources

Special Events

        South Asia Team Project Night Join us on Monday, January 13th at 6:30 pm to prepare materials and craft project kits for our upcoming ministry trip in March. Several of our team members will be on hand to share their prayer requests and we will pray together. Room 111