Looking to get connected, learn more about Christianity or develop your faith?
We offer these next-step resources at South Church:
Simply South
Are you new to South? We invite you to a casual lunch in the Student Ministry Center and Lounge. There will be a time to get to know Pastor Don, as well as a Q&A with members of the ministry staff to help you learn more about South Church and our desire to help you… Continue reading Simply South
At South Church we practice believer’s baptism by immersion. According to the command of Jesus himself and consistent with New Testament teaching, those who have consciously turned from their sin and put their personal faith in Jesus Christ should be baptized as an outward sign of their commitment to Him as Savior and Lord. Baptismal… Continue reading Baptism
Church Membership
Church membership is about belonging to one another and becoming like Jesus. It is the way for individual Christians to make their formal commitment to the South Church family. In becoming a church member, individuals express their submission to the leadership of the church in accordance with the teaching of Scripture and the doctrinal statement… Continue reading Church Membership
Explored Series
Who is Jesus? Why did he come? What does it mean to follow him? This seven-week course goes from 4:45-5:45 PM in the Board Room. Please RSVP here: www.southlife.org/christianityexplored
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