South Asia Team Project Night – Take TwoProject Night “TAKE TWO”
Tuesday, Jan. 28th, 6:00 pm (or after as your schedule permits) in Room 111.
Come and help us finish the preparation of craft projects for the conferences we will host in March. We expect over 400 women to attend these conferences and will be working on putting kits together for earrings, bead bracelets, and gifts. All of the projects are easy assembly and the earrings need priming.
Women’s Spring TeaSaturday Morning, April 12th, 2025 Join us for a time of refreshment and reflection. Watch for details. |
Going Beyond SimulcastSaturday, August 23rd, 2025 Mt. Zion Church will be hosting this Simulcast with Priscilla Shirer and you are invited. |
Are you ready for a Women’s Retreat?Join women from around Michigan for Camp Barakel’s Women’s Retreat this fall. Watch for dates and more information.
Visions of Christmas – December 2025This outreach event is a great opportunity for you to invite women who need to hear and be transformed by the message of the gospel. A light meal and dessert are served at beautifully decorated tables hosted by women from South. A gospel program will be presented in the Worship Center between the meal and dessert. Watch for ticket information in November – This event sells out immediately, so plan ahead.