Parents – We are praying for you! We know that parenting in these times is not easy, and we need God and each other. We thank God for the partnership we have with you in the Biblical education and spiritual formation of your child(ren).
Being involved in what they are learning at church is key. One way is to volunteer in their classroom for a first-hand look at what is being taught from the Bible. You’ll be encouraged as you hear teachers bring the Bible to life and make connections with children on their level of understanding.
Another way to be involved is to use technology. You’ll want to sign up for our weekly emails and set up a free Lifeway account to access The Gospel Project at Home. We will send the link to the curriculum in our weekly email so you can access all the lessons, videos, songs, prompts, and activities to review and supplement your child’s learning. You can do this as a family, or have your child watch on their own. Be encouraged in your continual and faithful discipleship of your children!