Mission Conference 2021

2021 Conference Opportunities

Pray about how you can help South Church with this year’s opportunities.

Gusilay (Seed Co.) Project:
Translation of their first Scriptures (Genesis and Ruth with portions of Exodus, Isaiah and the New Testament) into the Gusilay people in Sengal. Funding need for 2022: $33,478
Myanmar Relief Project: South has 3 global partners that have ways of getting needed supplies into Myanmar.

CFPM Monthly Sponsors

While it costs approximately $200 per month for each child to be at CFPM, South is only asking for sponsors to consider a $35 per month donation. South currently has 25 families helping. At least 10 more are needed. CFPM provides each child with healthy food, education, and health care.

CFPM Education
The Thai school system is not a good fit for the CFPM kids anymore. They have the opportunity to attend the English-speaking Chiangrai Christian Academy, but lack the funds needed. South is looking to have 100 people give $20 per month to help with the education needs. One-time gifts are also welcome.


We need to get ready to welcome and love Afghan families, as families are beginning to arrive in Michigan.

International Students:
Michigan State University has thousands of international students on campus every year. COVID restrictions may make it a little more difficult, but look for opportunities to host or get to know a student.

Global Partners:
South has many global partners – many are dealing with refugees, relief and outreach. Find out how you can help or pray for them.

To invest in the conference project, please use the conference project offering envelope or a pew envelope marked “Mission Project.” Be sure to include your name and the amount of your gift on the envelope if you would like record for tax purposes. To partner with CFPM – sign up using the brochures on the CFPM table