In light of recent events and health concerns regarding the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), we want to communicate what we are doing at South to help care for one another. Providing effective support and care to those most vulnerable (the elderly and those with serious chronic health conditions) is a critical priority for South Church, and is at the heart of the approach we are taking. We also want to be good neighbors in our community and our State when it comes to helping slow the spread of this virus, and to be responsible citizens, respectful of the appropriate governmental authorities, and in particular the governor’s order, released just today, prohibiting gatherings of 250 people or more (through Sunday April 5).
In view of all these factors we are temporarily cancelling services beginning this Sunday March 15 through April 5, including onsite activities and programs during that time period. (The offices will remain open but please call ahead to make an appointment if at all possible.)
We can assure you that we have been very reluctant to adopt this approach because of the high value we place on our times of gathered worship, teaching and fellowship, but we are in an extraordinary situation at the present time. We will be live-streaming a (simplified) service at 9:30 on Sunday mornings with music and a message from God’s Word, which you can connect to via our website ( (Please note: the church will not be open.) We will also be exploring other ways to provide online teaching and ministry. While all on-site activities at the church will be canceled during this time, small groups are free to make their own decisions regarding meeting in their homes.
More information on South Church’s response to Covid-19Last updated September 15th, 2021 at 03:33 pm