Student Ministry Girls’ Summer Study

July 10, 2024 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
Jessica Doerr
Student Ministry Girls' Summer Study

Join other students and some of our female leaders in reading through “Made for Friendship” by Drew Hunter. We will meet throughout the summer to review each chapter and have discussion about friendship.

Together, we will learn what God’s design for friendship is – both with him and with others – and work toward becoming better friends, developing deeper friendships with others, and understanding why God values friendship with us.

There will be two separate studies – one during the day on Wednesdays for girls going into grades 6-12, and one during the evenings for grades 9-12.

    Study A (grades 6-12):
  • Wednesdays, June 12, 26, July 10, 24, August 7, 14
  • 10:30-11:30 am
  • Library at South
    Study B (grades 9-12):
  • Wednesdays, June 12, 19, 26, July 24, August 7, 14
  • 6:30-8 pm
  • Student Ministry Center

Sign up here:
Buy the book on Amazon (please email Jessica if you are unable to purchase one):

Last updated May 16th, 2024 at 11:27 am