Student Ministries Fall Retreat 2023

October 27, 2023 @ 4:00 pm – October 29, 2023 @ 2:00 pm
Jessica Doerr
Student Ministries Fall Retreat 2023

This year, we will be going to Timber Wolf Lake Camp in Lake City, MI, the weekend of October 27-29!

The weekend is for both Jr. and Sr. High. Please read through these instructions carefully, to review both our registration and cancelation policies.


Fill out the online registration form. You will receive an automatic email confirmation once you’ve registered.


You will need to have a current South permission form. These are updated annually. You will also need to fill out the camp’s waiver, which will be emailed to you with other reminders.


Submit payment to Jessica, Joel, or Nick – you can mail it to the church, leave it in Jessica’s mailbox in the office, or bring it (in an envelope labeled with your name, especially if it’s cash!) to Awaken or Arise on Wednesday nights (checks payable to South Church).

Cost: $125/student, $100 for each sibling after the first student. Please talk to Joel or Nick if finances are an issue.

Jessica will send you an email to confirm payment and provide more details closer to the event.


Upon completing the online registration form, you are responsible for payment. If you cancel at any point after registration, you are still held responsible for payment, unless we are able to fill your reserved spot. The closer to retreat you cancel, the harder it will be for us to fill your reserved spot.


The deadline to sign up for Fall Retreat is Thursday, October 5. Do not wait until the last week to sign up if you know you’d like to go. We usually fill our spots before registration closes

Last updated January 8th, 2024 at 10:00 am