Who: High school students and leaders
When: Thursday, June 13, 6:30 am – late!
Where: Meet at South Church and we will drive vans.
What: Your ticket includes an unlimited drinks wristband. The park is cashless, so bring a card, or you will be able to put money onto a debit card while there. For more information on the park, visit the website. Registration is required for this event, and once tickets are purchased after the registration deadline of May 24, you are responsible for paying for yours.
Cost: $50 + food
Registration: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/a5warr5/lp/6fd70787-aeca-45ae-989b-45c4116c61f1
Questions? Contact Jessica at jdoerr@southlife.org.
Please sign up for the weekly Student Ministry emails for registration and/or updated information on all events. You can also email Jessica at jdoerr@southlife.org with questions.
Last updated December 19th, 2024 at 10:38 am