Pray for our college ministry leaving on Friday, March 4 for their spring break trip to Florida (March 4-12). Pray for quality time in the Word and for open hearts to receive the gospel.
This trip is a time of small group Bible discussions, teaching, fun activities, going to the beach and just hanging out. Our vision is to grow in our love for Christ and one another as well as invite our non-believing friends to see Christ’s love through our fellowship, conversations and teaching times. The deadline for sign up will be February 4th. Cost is $450 for transportation, condos and some of the food. (You’ll need to bring spending money for some meals…more details to come)
Registration: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15dpAbeL23F47-b2Pw3F9oA-UvMvny3yJhYJyGgl8LCA/edit#gid=0
Last updated January 12th, 2022 at 02:58 pm