Contribution statements will be mailed out at the end of January. If you would like your statement emailed this year, we must receive the request electronically. Please send a confirmation email to from the email address that you would like it sent to and include “request to email statement” in the subject line.
Offering envelopes will be available in the west concourse on Sunday mornings during the month of December or in the church office during the week. In an effort to provide the highest level of convenience and accuracy for all of our givers, pre-numbered giving envelopes are encouraged and are available upon request for anyone currently using pew envelopes for giving. These are also available in the west concourse on Sunday mornings during December.
In order for you to claim a deduction for contributions you make to the church this year, we must receive your contribution by the end of the year. Contributions you make in the new year cannot be deducted on this year’s tax return, even if the check is dated this year. There is one exception: a check that is written, mailed, and postmarked this year can be deducted this year if it is not received by the church until the new year. If you have questions, please contact David Seal in the church office. To ensure the deductibility and accuracy of your contributions, please do not file your 2024 income tax returns before receiving a written or emailed acknowledgement of your contributions. Statements will only be issued to those who use the pre-numbered tithe envelopes or if contributions are over the IRS limit of $250.00.