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The Master’s Craftsmen

The purpose of The Master’s Craftsmen ministry is to create visual context for the message that is being presented at various church events. Scenery is designed, built, and painted for church events like musical productions, a first- person narrative for Sunday Services, or even a display for a week of Vacation Bible School. As the… Continue reading The Master’s Craftsmen

Next Steps

Looking to get connected, learn more about Christianity or develop your faith? We offer these next-step resources at South Church: Explored Series

Volunteering with Helping Hands

What is the Helping Hands Ministry? Sometimes members of our church family have needs they can’t handle on their own. They call the office looking for a little help. When family is not near, where do you turn? You reach out to your church family, and thankfully, South has an awesome Helping Hands Ministry. Helping Hands Ministry is made up of skilled craftsman & professionals, people with a little muscle, and big-hearted brothers and sister willing to lend a hand. When someone in our church family has a need they can’t meet, Helping Hands provides labor to meet that need. Helping Hands is love in action. You can fill out the request form on this page, phone the church office at 517 322 2000 or email to learn more about how you can help or be helped.

The mission of Helping Hands is to assist those in the South congregation with limited financial resources and limited ability to perform a needed task in their personal lives. This assistance is performed in the spirit of 1 John 3:17:

“If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him?”
and 1 Timothy 5:16b:
“…so that the church can help those who are widows indeed.”
Additionally, scripture teaches that we should do what we can with the resources we have available to care for the needs of others, fulfilling our ministry vision of “passion for Christ … compassion for others.”

The Barn Memo