We consider it a privilege to partner with you in introducing your child to Jesus. Our goal is for you to worship or attend an ABC with a sense of confidence that your child is in a safe and loving atmosphere. In order for us to best care for your child we ask all parents to serve once a month during one service hour. We recognize that only one parent may be able to serve in the nursery, however many parents choose to serve together. Go to www.southlife.org/serve to sign up and Callie Risch, the coordinator, will contact you.

Q Where is the nursery located?
A On the first floor in the east hallway.

Q What days and times is the nursery open?
A Sunday morning at 9:20 am and is open all morning until Worship Services and ABCs end; Wednesdays during Awana at 6:20 pm. Please pick up your child promptly when services or your class is over.

Q Who serves in the nursery?
A We ask all parents using the nursery to serve once per month. Also, other caring adults and older teens help. All those helping will need to go through a screening process and background check.

Q Who do I contact about serving in the nursery?
A You will need to contact Callie Risch, our nursery coordinator. She is available Sunday mornings at the nursery counter or at southchurchnursery@gmail.com.

Q When I check my child in for the first time, where do I go?
A You will need to stop at the Children’s Welcome Desk in the east hallway across from the nursery counter to enter you in our system so you may use the kiosk.

Q How do I check my child in at one of the kiosks?
A Please enter the last four digits of your cell phone number and then choose your family name. Please select the child or children you are checking in. Be sure to select first hour, second hour or both, depending on your plan for the morning. Also, please make sure you choose the check-in person who has their cell phone with them. This number will print on the child’s name tag and be used to contact you during the morning if needed. *Note: your label preferences will be saved week-to-week.

Q How will you find me if my child needs me?
A Texting the phone number on the child’s name label is our first method of contacting you. The second method is to put the letter/number combination on your parent pick up label up on the screen in both Worship Services.

Q How can I be sure that only approved people pick up my child?
A For your child to be picked up from the nursery, the person picking up must show the parent pick-up label to the counter worker.

Q What do I do if I misplace the pick-up label?
A You are able to sign back into the kiosk and reprint your child’s name label (which has the pick-up code you need) until 12:30 p.m. If it is past that time, please see the nursery coordinator or counter worker to show your I.D.

Q What do I do if I have children in multiple places since I only have one parent pick-up label?
A You may take a picture of the label so you and your spouse (or another adult with you) may split up to do pick up, or reprint child’s name label.

Q What does my child need to have in their diaper bag?
A Please have a complete change of clothes; diapers; bottle or sippy cup labeled with their name; if used, a pacifier clipped to their clothing.

Q Will my child be given a snack?
A Yes. We provide Cheerios in the toddler-one room, animal crackers in the toddler-two room and pretzels in the Lambs’ class.

Q How do I know which room my child will be in behind the nursey counter?
A Infants are in the infant room until they start to cruise and pull themselves up. Then they move to the toddler one room. Usually around 18 or 19 months, they move to the toddler two room. They remain in the toddler two room until the 2nd Sunday in September (Promotion Sunday). If they are 2 years old by Sept. 1, they will move to The Lambs Class.

Q I am worried about my child getting sick from germs in the nursery. How do I know the rooms are clean?
A Every week the baby equipment and any toys that have been played with are sanitized. Also, we will not take children who show signs of sickness: coughing, sneezing, runny nose, fever, rash, vomiting or diarrhea. Contact with anyone that tested positive for Covid-19 in the last 14 days.

Q Does the church have a medical team available during the morning?
A Yes, we do. We have medical personnel on-call. There is also a first aid kit behind the nursery counter.

Nursing Mothers
· For your comfort and convenience, we have a place for nursing mothers to nurse their infants in the women’s restroom directly across the hall from the check-in counter

Check-in—For the safety and security of our children (nursery – 5th grade) we use an electronic check-in system. If this is your first visit, go to the Children’s Information Center and the “Manned Station” for assistance in checking in.  Name badge and claim ticket will print out – name badge for each child, and claim ticket for the adult picking up the child.

Please include these labeled items in your diaper bag:
Complete change of clothes
Bottles or cup
Pacifier (if used)

Snack—We serve Cheerios, animal crackers, and pretzels. If you have special needs, please pack your own child’s snack.

children_wallNursing Mothers—For your comfort and convenience, we have a place for nursing mothers to nurse their infants in the women’s restroom directly across the hall from the check-in counter.

Nursery FAQ

Time has a wonderful way of showing us what really matters. Since time is ticking, we know how important it is to invest time into your child’s life. At South Church, there are teachers, helpers, Awana leaders, Choir directors and Nursery workers who want, more than anything, for your child to begin to learn what it is to be a Christ follower, and to love His Word and His people.

Psalm 90:12 “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”

Investment: Devoting time to achieve something. We desire that the kids at South will know God and His Word. If you want to make your time count, click on Sundays or Wednesdays to see ways you can serve at South with children.

Parents – We are praying for you! We know that parenting in these times is not easy, and we need God and each other. We thank God for the partnership we have with you in the Biblical education and spiritual formation of your child(ren).

Being involved in what they are learning at church is key. One way is to volunteer in their classroom for a first-hand look at what is being taught from the Bible. You’ll be encouraged as you hear teachers bring the Bible to life and make connections with children on their level of understanding.

Another way to be involved is to use technology. You’ll want to sign up for our weekly emails and set up a free Lifeway account to access The Gospel Project at Home. We will send the link to the curriculum in our weekly email so you can access all the lessons, videos, songs, prompts, and activities to review and supplement your child’s learning. You can do this as a family, or have your child watch on their own. Be encouraged in your continual and faithful discipleship of your children!

Breaker Rock Beach
June 17 – 21
9 am – 12:15 pm

For kids just completing K – 5th grade*
*Children who have not completed Kindergarten must have a parent working in the building all morning. We have a VBS program for infant – preschool for children of VBS workers only.

 Children Registration 
 Worker Registration 
 Motions Rehearsal Videos 

At Breaker Rock Beach, kids will learn to recognize the difference between what the world says is true and what God says is true.

They’ll encounter five every day sayings that sound right, but dangerously miss the truth found in God’s Word.

Each day kids will be challenged to know that God’s truth never changes – even when it’s radically different from what some people say.

They’ll discover that God does not want them to be conformed to this age, but to be transformed by the renewing of their minds so that they can discern what is the good, please, and perfect will of God (Romans 12:2)

    What do we do when we arrive at South Church?
  1. If you have registered before 5:00 pm on June 16 – go to a check-in kiosk to print a name label and parent pickup tag (use the phone number you listed on this form). Then,
  2. Take your child to their classroom:
    • 5th grade: Student Ministry Center, room 133
    • 4th grade: room 205
    • 3rd grade: room 202
    • 2nd grade: room 214
    • 1st grade: room 111
    • Kindergarten: room 213
    • PreK: room 211
    • Older Bees: room 134
    • Young Bees: room 138 (go to nursery counter)
    • Nursery: go to nursery counter
  3. If the kiosk doesn’t work for you, go to your child’s classroom and the secretary can help you.
  4. You shouldn’t need to stop at the Welcome/Registration desk when you arrive (that is only for those not already signed up).

What if I have not pre-registered – or bring a visitor?
If you, or your visitor, have NOT registered before 5:00 pm on June 16 – go to the Welcome desk to fill out the registration form. You will receive a name label and parent pickup tag. Then, go to your child’s classroom:
5th grade: Student Ministry Center, room 133
4th grade: room 205
3rd grade: room 202
2nd grade: room 214
1st grade: room 111
Kindergarten: room 213
Nursery – PreK will need to contact Mrs. Risch

Monday – beach/sun hat (or any kind of hat)
Tuesday – dress as your table group (decided on Monday)
Wednesday – orca day (wear black & white)
Thursday – wear your grade level color
Friday – wear sunglasses


The Awana program helps build a Faith Foundation by focusing on Bible memory, and introducing children to Jesus. Each night includes handbook time, game time and Bible time. Prizes are earned as handbook sections are completed, and weekly theme nights add to the fun!

This program is broken into three main groups. Find info on each below:


South offers a children’s choir program in order to teach children the importance of worship through music and the arts and what it means, and to provide opportunities for them to lead in worship through a variety of worship skills. For more information on the children’s choir program contact the pastor of worship ministries.

Kingdom Rock Choir (formerly called Kids’ Choir) is open to students who are in third through sixth grade. This year we are also extending enrollment to seventh graders, to accommodate the lost opportunities due to pandemic closures. The rehearsal is during the 6PM Sunday evening worship service. This choir enjoys learning a variety of styles of songs that can be used in worship, they present a musical each spring, and they often participate in the annual Christmas production.

Click here for more information.

Class Times

While you are attending an Adult Bible Community or worshipping in either of our Balanced or Creative services, know that your kids are learning and worshipping on Son View Mountain. Children can experience God in their own kid-friendly location in a class for their age and grade.

In order to provide a quality learning environment, we have a special time schedule for them. Children can be in class all morning or they can just come one hour. The second hour curriculum reinforces what is taught first hour and builds on it with additional activities and applications.

Class times are as follows:

First hour: Drop off: 9:20-9:30, Class time: 9:30-10:40 and Pick-up: 10:40-10:50

Second hour: Drop off: 10:50-11:00, Class time: 11:00-12:15 and Pick-up 12:15-12:25

For ages 2 – 5th grade we use The Gospel Project curriculum which takes children through the whole Bible in 3 years. Each story points to Jesus so children can understand the Gospel and our need for a Savior.

Safe Environment

We will do everything we can to provide a safe environment for your child.

  • We have a check-in system which generates a sticker name tag for your child (and can include allergies/special needs)
  • You will receive a claim ticket to use when picking them up.
  • In case of an emergency, we have medical personnel on call during the services. If your child needs you, we will text you to come to the classroom.
  • All rooms are equipped with a first-aid kit and instructions on emergency procedures.
Sunday Morning Adventures – Early Childhood

First hour: We have 3 classes – Lambs (2-year-olds), Busy Bees (3-year-olds), and Pre-K/K (for our 4 and 5-year-olds). They will enjoy a time of free play when they arrive. Then they will have a Bible time which includes singing, prayer, a short Bible video, and the lesson. At the end of the hour, they will do a paper project that will reinforce the weekly lesson (our 2- and 3-year-olds will have a small snack). This hour concludes at 10:40

Second hour: Children are welcome to stay in our program all morning. We have two classes: Lambs (2-year-olds) and a combined class for Busy Bees – Kindergarten (3–5-year-olds). We have a free play from 10:50-11:00. Then they will have a Bible time which includes singing, prayer, a short Bible video, and the lesson. At the end of the hour, they will do a paper project that will reinforce the weekly lesson. 2nd hour concludes at 12:15.

Sunday Morning Adventures – Elementary

First hour: 1st – 5th graders begin the first hour in their classrooms for time with their teachers to do pre-lesson activities. At 9:40, they attend a large group time to sing songs in worship that will prepare them for the Bible lesson. This time ends at 9:55. At that time, they head back to their classrooms to have the Bible lesson, activities and a prayer time. This hour concludes at 10:40

Second hour: Children are welcome to stay in our program all morning. We have a break time from 10:50-11:00 with a snack. They then meet in a large group from 11:05-11:20 to worship and sing songs that reinforce what they are learning in the Bible. After that, they return to their classroom to review past Bible lessons, have the Bible lesson for the day, and do activities and games which reinforce the Bible lesson. 2nd hour concludes at 12:15.

Nursery: The nursery is open all morning for our infants – 1 year old. We divide the children up into 2 or 3 classrooms based on age. We faithfully keep a 1 to 2/3 ratio of worker to children with these ages to provide for the safest environment.

Sunday Nights

3rd-6th graders are invited to join the Kingdom Rock Choir which rehearses most Sunday evenings during the school year. They meet in room 212 from 6:00-7:15 p.m. They learn about worship, prepare for the annual Children’s Christmas Program which is presented in December and present a musical program each spring. To register and see a rehearsal schedule, go to www.southlife.org/kingdomrockchoir

While you are attending an adult community or worshipping in either of our Creative or Balanced services, immersed in life-changing worship, know that your kids are doing the same on Son View Mountain. Children can experience God in their own kid-friendly location in a class for their age and grade. In order to provide a quality learning environment, we have a special time schedule for them. Classes open 10 minutes before Worship Services or ABC, and we ask you to pick your children up as soon as they are finished.

For ages 2 – 5th grade we use The Gospel Project curriculum which takes children through the whole Bible in 3 years. Each story points to Jesus so children can understand the Gospel and our need for a Savior.

We will do everything we can to provide a safe environment for your child. We have a check-in system which generates a sticker name tag for your child (and can include allergies/special needs) and a claim ticket for you to use when picking them up. In case of an emergency, we have medical personnel on call during the services. If your child needs you, we will text you to come to the classroom. All rooms are equipped with a first-aid kit and instructions on emergency procedures.