Legacy Christmas Lunch
Thursday, December 5 at 12:00. Come, celebrate our dear Savior’s birth. We will enjoy a festive lunch and hear a great message. There might even be a couple of surprises. Please RSVP at the Legacy Information board near room 111 or contact Terri Bettinger tbettinger@southlife.org. Cost $5.00

Visions of Christmas dinner tickets are sold out! You can still volunteer to be a server for the meal. Or, you can just come to attend the program in the Worship Center at 7:15 pm on Tuesday, December 10. This year’s program includes a 2-person first person narrative that shares the story of the Gospel from the point of view of both Eve and Mary, mother of Jesus.
- Dinner tickets are sold out
- We also need volunteers to serve the meal! Men, this is a great way for you to serve the women in our church. Women, if you volunteer, you will then be given the option to join for the program. Volunteer to help serve the meal (please fill out this form)
- Or, just come for the program at 7:15 pm, Dec. 10 This year’s program: 2-person first person narrative sharing the story of the Gospel by Eve and Mary, mother of Jesus.

Never Alone (widows) group meets on Thursdays, once a month at 1:00 pm. To reserve a spot, call Carol Senard at (517) 256-1122 or Lois Freeman at (517) 449-3279 by Wednesday before the luncheon. These are usually the fourth Thursday of the month. Plans are made six months at a time.
July 25 – Olga’s in Frandor
August 22 – Lucky’s, Okemos Rd, North of Jolly Rd.
September 26 – Buddies, corner of Aurelius and Holt Roads, Holt
October 24 – Cheddar’s, West Saginaw
November 21 – Bravo’s, Eastwood Town Center, Lake Lansing Rd.
December 19 – Longhorn Steak House, in front of the Lansing Mall

Are you a fun-loving South senior adult (55+) looking for fellowship and a little exercise as well? You’re in luck! Come check out Legacy’s pickleball group, the Dillies Pickleball Players! Never heard of or played the game? Come check it out. No experience needed!
We meet on Mondays (3-4:30 pm) the months of January-May and September-November and on Wednesdays the summer months of June-26th, July 24th, and August 28th. August. Equipment is provided or bring your own. If interested, contact Karen Philbrook at 217.649.2908 or karenphilbrook@gmail.com for more information. /p>

Equippers kicks off on Sunday, January 12 and continues through March 23.
Ephesians 4:11-12 “And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ…”
Are you equipped for the Christian life? Whether new to the faith or a seasoned believer, we all need to be continually equipped for ministry, which is why we organize the “Equippers” series each year.
The authentic Christian life is an integration of knowing, being, and doing, which is why the Equippers courses are divided into the three content areas described below. Please take time to explore and register today Equippers_https://southlife.org/wp-content/uploads/Equippers_BRO_2025.pdf
Bible/Theology courses will focus on knowing God through His Word—the Bible. These courses will equip you to know God more deeply as you study His Word.
- BT 202- Bible Exposition Student Ministry Center (SMC)
Spiritual Formation courses will focus on being a more mature follower of Christ. These courses will equip you to be more confident and consistent in living the Christian life as you are led by God’s Word and Spirit.
- SF 101 – Christianity Explored Fireside Room
- SF 203 – Sermon on The Mount (New) Room 202
- SF 210 – The Grace Course Room 205
- SF 220 – We Will Not Be Silenced (New) Room 111
Ministry Training courses will focus on doing the works of service which God has planned for you. These courses will equip you to do the ministry activities which are commanded in His Word.
- MT 101 – Evangelism Room 204
- MT 201 – Making Disciples Room 207
- MT 220 – Biblical Principles and Practical Steps for Resolving Personal Conflict (New) Chapel
- MT 260 – Care-sharing: Equipping Primary and Secondary Caregivers (New) Room 201
Equippers meets on Sunday Nights
6:00pm…Equippers Courses (Classrooms)
7:15pm…Equippers Courses (Classrooms) End
Nursery is available during Equippers for Infant – Pre-K.
If you plan to use the nursery during Equippers you must sign up for 1 week (of the 9) to serve.