Pray for our college ministry leaving on Friday, March 3 for their spring break trip to Florida (February 24- March 2). Pray for quality time in the Word and for open hearts to receive the gospel.
This trip is a time of small group Bible discussions, teaching, fun activities, going to the beach and just hanging out. Our vision is to grow in our love for Christ and one another as well as invite our non-believing friends to see Christ’s love through our fellowship, conversations and teaching times. Cost: $450 (Freshmen) and $495 (Returning) for transportation, condos and some of the food. (You’ll need to bring spending money for some meals…more details to come)
But please speak to Travis if finances are a problem–we don’t want that to stop you from coming!
Registration: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15dpAbeL23F47-b2Pw3F9oA-UvMvny3yJhYJyGgl8LCA/edit#gid=0
We are currently offering two morning services – the Creative Service in the Chapel, and the Balanced Service in the Worship Center. Adult Bible Communities, children’s ministries and nursery are offered during both services.
9:30AM Balanced Service, Worship Center
11:00AM Creative Service, Chapel
Depending on the time of year, other programs are offered simultaneously with the services. Click below for what interests you.
Sunday Morning Schedule
We are currently offering two morning services – the Creative Service in the Chapel, and the Balanced Service in the Worship Center. Adult Bible Communities, children’s ministries and nursery are offered during both services.
9:30AM Balanced Service, Worship Center
11:00AM Creative Service, Chapel
Depending on the time of year, other programs are offered simultaneously with the services. Click below for what interests you.
Sunday Morning Schedule
We are currently offering two morning services – the Creative Service in the Chapel, and the Balanced Service in the Worship Center. Adult Bible Communities, children’s ministries and nursery are offered during both services.
9:30AM Balanced Service, Worship Center
11:00AM Creative Service, Chapel
Depending on the time of year, other programs are offered simultaneously with the services. Click below for what interests you.
Sunday Morning Schedule
We are currently offering two morning services – the Creative Service in the Chapel, and the Balanced Service in the Worship Center. Adult Bible Communities, children’s ministries and nursery are offered during both services.
9:30AM Balanced Service, Worship Center
11:00AM Creative Service, Chapel
Depending on the time of year, other programs are offered simultaneously with the services. Click below for what interests you.
Sunday Morning Schedule

Have lunch with a missionary!
Come to Mission Focus on Monday, March 25 at 12:30 pm in the Commons
Special Guest: Mike Petkof will be sharing (about 1:15 pm) about the CEF ministry with children in Greece.
Come and hear how God is working!
Contact Nancy in the church office (322-2000 or nbassett@southlife.org) to reserve your spot. Lunch is beef stroganoff, cost is $2.

Are you a fun-loving South senior adult (55+) looking for fellowship and a little exercise as well? You’re in luck! Come check out Legacy’s pickleball group, the Dillies Pickleball Players! Never heard of or played the game? Come check it out. No experience needed!
We meet on Mondays (3-4:30 pm) the months of January-May and September-November and on Wednesdays the summer months of June-26th, July 24th, and August 28th. August. Equipment is provided or bring your own. If interested, contact Karen Philbrook at 217.649.2908 or karenphilbrook@gmail.com for more information. /p>

Join the Legacy Group as we will talk about Maundy Thursday with Pastor Don. We will have a nice meal, a great message and then time to fellowship. This will all happen Thursday, March 28 at 11:30 AM in the South Life Center. Cost for this event is $5.00 – Bring a donation for Lansing City Rescue Mission. tbettinger@southlife.org
We are currently offering two morning services – the Creative Service in the Chapel, and the Balanced Service in the Worship Center. Adult Bible Communities, children’s ministries and nursery are offered during both services.
9:30AM Balanced Service, Worship Center
11:00AM Creative Service, Chapel
Depending on the time of year, other programs are offered simultaneously with the services. Click below for what interests you.