A Communion Meal:
A Special Service Celebrating the Lord’s Supper. On February 4th, at 6 pm, South will come together for a special celebration of the bread and the cup. We will experience the Lord’s Supper with one another in a fresh and meaningful way, also sharing a supper of soup and salad and a time of great fellowship. This will be a simple and meaningful time of worship for our regular evening service. Please arrive early!!! Please sign up at a table in the gathering space, call Terri in the Church office, or by e-mail at info@southlife.org.

Equippers kicks off on Sunday, January 14 and continues through March 17.
Ephesians 4:11-12 “And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ…”
Are you equipped for the Christian life? Whether new to the faith or a seasoned believer, we all need to be continually equipped for ministry, which is why we organize the “Equippers” series each year.
The authentic Christian life is an integration of knowing, being, and doing, which is why the Equippers courses are divided into the three content areas described below. Please take time to explore and register today Equippers_https://southlife.org/wp-content/uploads/Equippers_BRO_2024.pdf
Bible/Theology courses will focus on knowing God through His Word—the Bible. These courses will equip you to know God more deeply as you study His Word.
- BT 202- Bible Exposition Room 205
Spiritual Formation courses will focus on being a more mature follower of Christ. These courses will equip you to be more confident and consistent in living the Christian life as you are led by God’s Word and Spirit.
- SF 102 – Walking with God through Pain and Suffering (New) Chapel
- SF 210 – Spiritual Protection Room 206
Ministry Training courses will focus on doing the works of service which God has planned for you. These courses will equip you to do the ministry activities which are commanded in His Word.
- MT 101 – Learning to Labor Room 201
- MT 201 – How to Share Foundations in One-to-One Discipleship Room 204
- MT 250 – Growing Together (New) Boardroom
- MT 260 – Caring Well for One Another (New) Student Ministry Center
- MT 310 – The Engagement Project Fireside Room
Equippers meets on Sunday Nights
6:00pm…Equippers Courses (Classrooms)
7:15pm…Equippers Courses (Classrooms) End
Nursery is available during Equippers for Infant – Pre-K.
If you plan to use the nursery during Equippers you must sign up for 1 week (of the 9) to serve.

Equippers kicks off on Sunday, January 14 and continues through March 17.
Ephesians 4:11-12 “And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ…”
Are you equipped for the Christian life? Whether new to the faith or a seasoned believer, we all need to be continually equipped for ministry, which is why we organize the “Equippers” series each year.
The authentic Christian life is an integration of knowing, being, and doing, which is why the Equippers courses are divided into the three content areas described below. Please take time to explore and register today Equippers_https://southlife.org/wp-content/uploads/Equippers_BRO_2024.pdf
Bible/Theology courses will focus on knowing God through His Word—the Bible. These courses will equip you to know God more deeply as you study His Word.
- BT 202- Bible Exposition Room 205
Spiritual Formation courses will focus on being a more mature follower of Christ. These courses will equip you to be more confident and consistent in living the Christian life as you are led by God’s Word and Spirit.
- SF 102 – Walking with God through Pain and Suffering (New) Chapel
- SF 210 – Spiritual Protection Room 206
Ministry Training courses will focus on doing the works of service which God has planned for you. These courses will equip you to do the ministry activities which are commanded in His Word.
- MT 101 – Learning to Labor Room 201
- MT 201 – How to Share Foundations in One-to-One Discipleship Room 204
- MT 250 – Growing Together (New) Boardroom
- MT 260 – Caring Well for One Another (New) Student Ministry Center
- MT 310 – The Engagement Project Fireside Room
Equippers meets on Sunday Nights
6:00pm…Equippers Courses (Classrooms)
7:15pm…Equippers Courses (Classrooms) End
Nursery is available during Equippers for Infant – Pre-K.
If you plan to use the nursery during Equippers you must sign up for 1 week (of the 9) to serve.

Equippers kicks off on Sunday, January 14 and continues through March 17.
Ephesians 4:11-12 “And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ…”
Are you equipped for the Christian life? Whether new to the faith or a seasoned believer, we all need to be continually equipped for ministry, which is why we organize the “Equippers” series each year.
The authentic Christian life is an integration of knowing, being, and doing, which is why the Equippers courses are divided into the three content areas described below. Please take time to explore and register today Equippers_https://southlife.org/wp-content/uploads/Equippers_BRO_2024.pdf
Bible/Theology courses will focus on knowing God through His Word—the Bible. These courses will equip you to know God more deeply as you study His Word.
- BT 202- Bible Exposition Room 205
Spiritual Formation courses will focus on being a more mature follower of Christ. These courses will equip you to be more confident and consistent in living the Christian life as you are led by God’s Word and Spirit.
- SF 102 – Walking with God through Pain and Suffering (New) Chapel
- SF 210 – Spiritual Protection Room 206
Ministry Training courses will focus on doing the works of service which God has planned for you. These courses will equip you to do the ministry activities which are commanded in His Word.
- MT 101 – Learning to Labor Room 201
- MT 201 – How to Share Foundations in One-to-One Discipleship Room 204
- MT 250 – Growing Together (New) Boardroom
- MT 260 – Caring Well for One Another (New) Student Ministry Center
- MT 310 – The Engagement Project Fireside Room
Equippers meets on Sunday Nights
6:00pm…Equippers Courses (Classrooms)
7:15pm…Equippers Courses (Classrooms) End
Nursery is available during Equippers for Infant – Pre-K.
If you plan to use the nursery during Equippers you must sign up for 1 week (of the 9) to serve.

Equippers kicks off on Sunday, January 14 and continues through March 17.
Ephesians 4:11-12 “And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ…”
Are you equipped for the Christian life? Whether new to the faith or a seasoned believer, we all need to be continually equipped for ministry, which is why we organize the “Equippers” series each year.
The authentic Christian life is an integration of knowing, being, and doing, which is why the Equippers courses are divided into the three content areas described below. Please take time to explore and register today Equippers_https://southlife.org/wp-content/uploads/Equippers_BRO_2024.pdf
Bible/Theology courses will focus on knowing God through His Word—the Bible. These courses will equip you to know God more deeply as you study His Word.
- BT 202- Bible Exposition Room 205
Spiritual Formation courses will focus on being a more mature follower of Christ. These courses will equip you to be more confident and consistent in living the Christian life as you are led by God’s Word and Spirit.
- SF 102 – Walking with God through Pain and Suffering (New) Chapel
- SF 210 – Spiritual Protection Room 206
Ministry Training courses will focus on doing the works of service which God has planned for you. These courses will equip you to do the ministry activities which are commanded in His Word.
- MT 101 – Learning to Labor Room 201
- MT 201 – How to Share Foundations in One-to-One Discipleship Room 204
- MT 250 – Growing Together (New) Boardroom
- MT 260 – Caring Well for One Another (New) Student Ministry Center
- MT 310 – The Engagement Project Fireside Room
Equippers meets on Sunday Nights
6:00pm…Equippers Courses (Classrooms)
7:15pm…Equippers Courses (Classrooms) End
Nursery is available during Equippers for Infant – Pre-K.
If you plan to use the nursery during Equippers you must sign up for 1 week (of the 9) to serve.

Equippers kicks off on Sunday, January 14 and continues through March 17.
Ephesians 4:11-12 “And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ…”
Are you equipped for the Christian life? Whether new to the faith or a seasoned believer, we all need to be continually equipped for ministry, which is why we organize the “Equippers” series each year.
The authentic Christian life is an integration of knowing, being, and doing, which is why the Equippers courses are divided into the three content areas described below. Please take time to explore and register today Equippers_https://southlife.org/wp-content/uploads/Equippers_BRO_2024.pdf
Bible/Theology courses will focus on knowing God through His Word—the Bible. These courses will equip you to know God more deeply as you study His Word.
- BT 202- Bible Exposition Room 205
Spiritual Formation courses will focus on being a more mature follower of Christ. These courses will equip you to be more confident and consistent in living the Christian life as you are led by God’s Word and Spirit.
- SF 102 – Walking with God through Pain and Suffering (New) Chapel
- SF 210 – Spiritual Protection Room 206
Ministry Training courses will focus on doing the works of service which God has planned for you. These courses will equip you to do the ministry activities which are commanded in His Word.
- MT 101 – Learning to Labor Room 201
- MT 201 – How to Share Foundations in One-to-One Discipleship Room 204
- MT 250 – Growing Together (New) Boardroom
- MT 260 – Caring Well for One Another (New) Student Ministry Center
- MT 310 – The Engagement Project Fireside Room
Equippers meets on Sunday Nights
6:00pm…Equippers Courses (Classrooms)
7:15pm…Equippers Courses (Classrooms) End
Nursery is available during Equippers for Infant – Pre-K.
If you plan to use the nursery during Equippers you must sign up for 1 week (of the 9) to serve.

Equippers kicks off on Sunday, January 14 and continues through March 17.
Ephesians 4:11-12 “And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ…”
Are you equipped for the Christian life? Whether new to the faith or a seasoned believer, we all need to be continually equipped for ministry, which is why we organize the “Equippers” series each year.
The authentic Christian life is an integration of knowing, being, and doing, which is why the Equippers courses are divided into the three content areas described below. Please take time to explore and register today Equippers_https://southlife.org/wp-content/uploads/Equippers_BRO_2024.pdf
Bible/Theology courses will focus on knowing God through His Word—the Bible. These courses will equip you to know God more deeply as you study His Word.
- BT 202- Bible Exposition Room 205
Spiritual Formation courses will focus on being a more mature follower of Christ. These courses will equip you to be more confident and consistent in living the Christian life as you are led by God’s Word and Spirit.
- SF 102 – Walking with God through Pain and Suffering (New) Chapel
- SF 210 – Spiritual Protection Room 206
Ministry Training courses will focus on doing the works of service which God has planned for you. These courses will equip you to do the ministry activities which are commanded in His Word.
- MT 101 – Learning to Labor Room 201
- MT 201 – How to Share Foundations in One-to-One Discipleship Room 204
- MT 250 – Growing Together (New) Boardroom
- MT 260 – Caring Well for One Another (New) Student Ministry Center
- MT 310 – The Engagement Project Fireside Room
Equippers meets on Sunday Nights
6:00pm…Equippers Courses (Classrooms)
7:15pm…Equippers Courses (Classrooms) End
Nursery is available during Equippers for Infant – Pre-K.
If you plan to use the nursery during Equippers you must sign up for 1 week (of the 9) to serve.

South Church’s Chosen Ministry for special needs adults will have an Easter Party March 23 from 11:30 am -1:30 PM. We have a fun party planned food, crafts, music and a message from Pastor Nick. Please invite your special friends to this event. We are still in need of a few table leaders. Please contact Terri Bettinger for more details.

This Sunday we will have the opportunity to celebrate communion together, live and online. We are glad for the opportunity to participate again in something that followers of Jesus have been celebrating for over 2000 years, as we focus on the atoning death of our Savior.
Not all of us we will be able to be together physically, but we will be together spiritually, sharing in God’s Word, so we put together this “Communion at Home Guide” for you.
- Prepare your own bread and cup to use during the communion time.
- Before the service, spend time prayerfully reflecting on the sacrifice of Jesus. We encourage you to read passages like Luke 22:7-20 and 1 Corinthians 11: 23-28 to help you prepare as well.
- Spend time examining your heart before the service. We believe that the Communion meal is for believers, members of Christ’s body, who are sincerely following Him.
- Talk to your kids about communion. Perhaps share your story of coming to faith in Christ with them (and guide them as to whether they themselves should participate at this time).
- Join us for our online service this Sunday at 9:30 a.m.!
We’re so looking forward to worshipping together with you, as we share in music of worship, receive God’s Word and celebrate communion together.

This Sunday we will have the opportunity to celebrate communion together, live and online. We are glad for the opportunity to participate again in something that followers of Jesus have been celebrating for over 2000 years, as we focus on the atoning death of our Savior.
Not all of us we will be able to be together physically, but we will be together spiritually, sharing in God’s Word, so we put together this “Communion at Home Guide” for you.
- Prepare your own bread and cup to use during the communion time.
- Before the service, spend time prayerfully reflecting on the sacrifice of Jesus. We encourage you to read passages like Luke 22:7-20 and 1 Corinthians 11: 23-28 to help you prepare as well.
- Spend time examining your heart before the service. We believe that the Communion meal is for believers, members of Christ’s body, who are sincerely following Him.
- Talk to your kids about communion. Perhaps share your story of coming to faith in Christ with them (and guide them as to whether they themselves should participate at this time).
- Join us for our online service this Sunday at 9:30 a.m.!
We’re so looking forward to worshipping together with you, as we share in music of worship, receive God’s Word and celebrate communion together.