Listen & Live Women’s Teaching Series
Wednesdays at 6:30 pm in Room 201 Beginning April 3
Join us for lessons on Deuteronomy
•A Faithful God and His Unfaithful People – Mary Wilson (4/3)
•The Greatest Commandment – Kristie Anyabwile (4/10)
•Open Wide Your Hand – Jen Wilkin (4/17)
•A Prophet Like Me – Kathleen Nielson (4/24)
Feel free to drop in to any of the Sessions – No Registration Required

Listen & Live Women’s Teaching Series
Wednesdays at 6:30 pm in Room 201 Beginning April 3
Join us for lessons on Deuteronomy
•A Faithful God and His Unfaithful People – Mary Wilson (4/3)
•The Greatest Commandment – Kristie Anyabwile (4/10)
•Open Wide Your Hand – Jen Wilkin (4/17)
•A Prophet Like Me – Kathleen Nielson (4/24)
Feel free to drop in to any of the Sessions – No Registration Required

Listen & Live Women’s Teaching Series
Wednesdays at 6:30 pm in Room 201 Beginning April 3
Join us for lessons on Deuteronomy
•A Faithful God and His Unfaithful People – Mary Wilson (4/3)
•The Greatest Commandment – Kristie Anyabwile (4/10)
•Open Wide Your Hand – Jen Wilkin (4/17)
•A Prophet Like Me – Kathleen Nielson (4/24)
Feel free to drop in to any of the Sessions – No Registration Required

Listen & Live Women’s Teaching Series
Wednesdays at 6:30 pm in Room 201 Beginning April 3
Join us for lessons on Deuteronomy
•A Faithful God and His Unfaithful People – Mary Wilson (4/3)
•The Greatest Commandment – Kristie Anyabwile (4/10)
•Open Wide Your Hand – Jen Wilkin (4/17)
•A Prophet Like Me – Kathleen Nielson (4/24)
Feel free to drop in to any of the Sessions – No Registration Required

Many of our shut-ins enjoy getting goody bags we have put together each year. This has been a positive experience for both the receivers and those who stuffed the bags. We want to continue this event again this year with a potluck at 1 pm. We will meet in the Fireside room to enjoy a potluck lunch and then fill the bags. Besides bringing a passing dish, please bring small items to put in the bags, such as combs, toothbrushes, snacks, Kleenex packs etc. Connie Norman will offer devotions for this event.

Love Clothing Center provides clothing for school age children who cannot afford to buy new. As we are getting close to the start of school year let’s help them get ready. Suggested donation items are:
- Boys’ boxer briefs size 4-20
- Girls’ underwear size 4-12
- socks all sizes and types of girls, boys, men’s and women.
Bring them August 4 and 11 to the table in the gathering space or near the East entrance. There will be a donation box for items that are missing.

Love Clothing Center provides clothing for school age children who cannot afford to buy new. As we are getting close to the start of school year let’s help them get ready. Suggested donation items are:
- Boys’ boxer briefs size 4-20
- Girls’ underwear size 4-12
- socks all sizes and types of girls, boys, men’s and women.
Bring them August 4 and 11 to the table in the gathering space or near the East entrance. There will be a donation box for items that are missing.