Men in Prayer meets the first Saturday of each month. Join us Saturday, at 8:30 am in the Fireside Room. Find more information on the South Church Men’s Ministry Facebook page or contact Pastor Tim at tvanloh@southlife.org.

A Communion Meal:
A Special Service Celebrating the Lord’s Supper. On February 4th, at 6 pm, South will come together for a special celebration of the bread and the cup. We will experience the Lord’s Supper with one another in a fresh and meaningful way, also sharing a supper of soup and salad and a time of great fellowship. This will be a simple and meaningful time of worship for our regular evening service. Please arrive early!!! Please sign up at a table in the gathering space, call Terri in the Church office, or by e-mail at info@southlife.org.

Tuesday Evening Men’s Study
7:00 – 8:00 PM BY ZOOM
Our time together begins with fellowship and prayer. Usually, we have a Scripture to read or review from our study book. Then we study by discussing the questions from our lesson.
During the discussion, the men are free to raise situations or issues that they are facing. Our goal is to go beyond knowledge and understanding to gain wisdom. We do that by thinking of ways to apply God’s truth to our lives. We have 3 rules: 1) We try to be prepared to answer the questions. 2) We don’t give advice but offer counsel. 3) Everything is to be held confidential. We always close with prayer requests and prayer.
We are very informal and enjoy getting to know each other. Many of our men are older, mature Christians, and all of us wish to be all that Christ would have us to be.
This is a great time to join in! We are currently studying, James: The Relationship Between Faith and Works by David Jeremiah.
For more information and to get the zoom link, please contact Bill Patrick, 517.290.7911

Tuesday Evening Men’s Study
7:00 – 8:00 PM BY ZOOM
Our time together begins with fellowship and prayer. Usually, we have a Scripture to read or review from our study book. Then we study by discussing the questions from our lesson.
During the discussion, the men are free to raise situations or issues that they are facing. Our goal is to go beyond knowledge and understanding to gain wisdom. We do that by thinking of ways to apply God’s truth to our lives. We have 3 rules: 1) We try to be prepared to answer the questions. 2) We don’t give advice but offer counsel. 3) Everything is to be held confidential. We always close with prayer requests and prayer.
We are very informal and enjoy getting to know each other. Many of our men are older, mature Christians, and all of us wish to be all that Christ would have us to be.
This is a great time to join in! We are currently studying, James: The Relationship Between Faith and Works by David Jeremiah.
For more information and to get the zoom link, please contact Bill Patrick, 517.290.7911

Tuesday Evening Men’s Study
7:00 – 8:00 PM BY ZOOM
Our time together begins with fellowship and prayer. Usually, we have a Scripture to read or review from our study book. Then we study by discussing the questions from our lesson.
During the discussion, the men are free to raise situations or issues that they are facing. Our goal is to go beyond knowledge and understanding to gain wisdom. We do that by thinking of ways to apply God’s truth to our lives. We have 3 rules: 1) We try to be prepared to answer the questions. 2) We don’t give advice but offer counsel. 3) Everything is to be held confidential. We always close with prayer requests and prayer.
We are very informal and enjoy getting to know each other. Many of our men are older, mature Christians, and all of us wish to be all that Christ would have us to be.
This is a great time to join in! We are currently studying, James: The Relationship Between Faith and Works by David Jeremiah.
For more information and to get the zoom link, please contact Bill Patrick, 517.290.7911