Have lunch with a missionary!
Come to Mission Focus on Monday, March 25 at 12:30 pm in the Commons
Special Guest: Mike Petkof will be sharing (about 1:15 pm) about the CEF ministry with children in Greece.
Come and hear how God is working!
Contact Nancy in the church office (322-2000 or nbassett@southlife.org) to reserve your spot. Lunch is beef stroganoff, cost is $2.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Snapshot event scheduled for April 12th has been cancelled.
Join us for dessert and an enjoyable evening of learning how God is using technology-based solutions to advance the gospel worldwide! Friday, April 12th from 7:00 to 8:30 pm at South Church. Please RSVP at the table in the concourse, or the form below, by April 8th.

Have lunch with a missionary!
Come to Mission Focus on Monday, September 23 at 12:30 pm in the Commons
Special Guests: Mark Criss will be sharing (about 1:15 pm) about the building expansion at the Rescue Mission of Lansing. Contact Nancy in the church office (322-2000 or nbassett@southlife.org) to reserve your spot. Lunch is macaroni & cheese and hot dogs, cost $2.

Exposition Training – Revelation
Is the book of Revelation scary to you? It shouldn’t be! There is a blessing for those who read, listen and keep it (Rev. 1:3). Join Pastors Keith and Tim September 27th (5-9 pm) and 28th (9 am-4:30 pm) for a thorough study of the book. You can attend as a participant or an observer. Please RSVP by September 23.