Never Alone (widows) group meets on Thursdays, once a month at 1:00 pm. To reserve a spot, call Carol Senard at (517) 256-1122 or Lois Freeman at (517) 449-3279 by Wednesday before the luncheon. These are usually the fourth Thursday of the month. Plans are made six months at a time.
February 22 Cheddars
March 28th Buddies, Holt
April 25 Lucky’s, Okemos
May 23 BJ’s Eastwood Towne Center
June 27 Olive Garden, West Saginaw

Join us for a time of great conversation,
tea (and coffee), light refreshments and
an encouraging word from the Word.
March 9th, 2024
Saturday morning beginning at 10:00 am
in the Gathering (space is limited).
Please bring your own tea (or coffee) cup!
If your cup has a ‘story’ we will give you an opportunity
to share with your table why it is important to you.
Tickets ($5) will be available at the
Gazebo beginning February 18th.

Have lunch with a missionary!
Come to Mission Focus on Monday, March 25 at 12:30 pm in the Commons
Special Guest: Mike Petkof will be sharing (about 1:15 pm) about the CEF ministry with children in Greece.
Come and hear how God is working!
Contact Nancy in the church office (322-2000 or nbassett@southlife.org) to reserve your spot. Lunch is beef stroganoff, cost is $2.

Never Alone (widows) group meets on Thursdays, once a month at 1:00 pm. To reserve a spot, call Carol Senard at (517) 256-1122 or Lois Freeman at (517) 449-3279 by Wednesday before the luncheon. These are usually the fourth Thursday of the month. Plans are made six months at a time.
February 22 Cheddars
March 28th Buddies, Holt
April 25 Lucky’s, Okemos
May 23 BJ’s Eastwood Towne Center
June 27 Olive Garden, West Saginaw

Listen & Live Women’s Teaching Series
Wednesdays at 6:30 pm in Room 201 Beginning April 3
Join us for lessons on Deuteronomy
•A Faithful God and His Unfaithful People – Mary Wilson (4/3)
•The Greatest Commandment – Kristie Anyabwile (4/10)
•Open Wide Your Hand – Jen Wilkin (4/17)
•A Prophet Like Me – Kathleen Nielson (4/24)
Feel free to drop in to any of the Sessions – No Registration Required

Listen & Live Women’s Teaching Series
Wednesdays at 6:30 pm in Room 201 Beginning April 3
Join us for lessons on Deuteronomy
•A Faithful God and His Unfaithful People – Mary Wilson (4/3)
•The Greatest Commandment – Kristie Anyabwile (4/10)
•Open Wide Your Hand – Jen Wilkin (4/17)
•A Prophet Like Me – Kathleen Nielson (4/24)
Feel free to drop in to any of the Sessions – No Registration Required