We are looking for more choir singers starting in the fall. All parts are needed, (especially sopranos and altos). Reading music is beneficial but not crucial. Rehearsals are on Wednesdays at 6:30 with the first rehearsal of the season on August 30. Come one. Come all. No audition necessary. For more info, go to southlife.org/choir or contact Pastor Corb if you would like to be a part of this group
For more information, click here to visit the choir page.
If you are interested in participating in the choir next season, come to our Choir picnic at Hawk Island on August 10th @5pm. Contact Pastor Corb if interested at info@southlife.org.

Hope for the Caregiver Seminar – Session #4
Join Pastor Doug Phillips, David Seal, Kuana Richardson, Kelly Sites, and guest speaker Lisa Regan. Lisa is a patient and family advocate and consultant, specializing in assisting individuals with many caregiving challenges. Some examples of her work for caregivers includes explaining difficult terminology, communicating with hospitals and doctors, connecting families to various resources for medical, financial, or legal needs, locating and vetting care facilities or agencies that provide in-home help.
In addition to Lisa’s presentation, there will be a time dedicated to spiritual guidance and encouragement for the caregiver, and a segment sharing some tools for self-care aimed at strengthening caregiver resilience.
The second part of this seminar will include various breakout rooms. The breakout rooms are designed to give you an opportunity to ask complex medical, spiritual or selfcare questions and point you to resources to help with these difficult issues.
This seminar is to support and encourage those who are or will be in a care giving role.
We are currently offering two morning services – the Creative Service in the Chapel, and the Balanced Service in the Worship Center. Adult Bible Communities, children’s ministries and nursery are offered during both services.
9:30AM Balanced Service, Worship Center
11:00AM Creative Service, Chapel
Depending on the time of year, other programs are offered simultaneously with the services. Click below for what interests you.
Sunday Morning Schedule

We will celebrate baptisms on Sunday, November 5 during our evening service. Our Board of Deacons will be recommending candidates for membership in a few weeks. Their pictures will be displayed in the west hallway on the bulletin board so you can connect a name with a face. A congregational meeting has been called for November 5 after our baptismal service to accept these candidates into membership.

We are looking for more choir singers starting in the fall. All parts are needed, (especially sopranos and altos). Reading music is beneficial but not crucial. Rehearsals are on Wednesdays at 6:30 with the first rehearsal of the season on August 30. Come one. Come all. No audition necessary. For more info, go to southlife.org/choir or contact Pastor Corb if you would like to be a part of this group
For more information, click here to visit the choir page.
If you are interested in participating in the choir next season, come to our Choir picnic at Hawk Island on August 10th @5pm. Contact Pastor Corb if interested at info@southlife.org.