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Mosaic Ministry/ Legacy Fall Kick-off @ South Church Bonfire Pit
Sep 21 @ 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Mosaic Ministry/ Legacy Fall Kick-off @ South Church Bonfire Pit

Legacy and Mosaic are planning a Fall kickoff with a bonfire on September 21. We will begin at 5:30 pm. The hot dogs, buns and condiments will be provided. Please bring a dish to pass and a lawn chair. Let’s enjoy fellowship with other seniors and sing around the fire. If we have inclement weather, we will meet in the South Life Center. Please sign up on the Legacy board if you plan to attend and what you would like to bring.

Mosaic Ministry Potluck Dinner @ Fireside Room @ South
May 18 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Mosaic Ministry Potluck Dinner @ Fireside Room @ South

Many of our shut-ins enjoy getting goody bags we have put together each year. This has been a positive experience for both the receivers and those who stuffed the bags. We want to continue this event again this year with a potluck at 1 pm. We will meet in the Fireside room to enjoy a potluck lunch and then fill the bags. Besides bringing a passing dish, please bring small items to put in the bags, such as combs, toothbrushes, snacks, Kleenex packs etc. Connie Norman will offer devotions for this event.