Come and have lunch with a missionary! Come to Mission Focus on usually the Fourth Monday at 12:30 pm upstairs in the Commons.
Special Guest Missionary will be sharing (about 1:15 pm) about their ministry. Check the current bulletin for more details on our guest.
Contact Nancy in the church office (322-2000 or nbassett@southlife.org) to reserve your spot for lunch, or to get on the mailing list.

If you enjoy sewing or helping, this is a great way to use your talents. This group of ladies meets the second Thursday of each month (September – May) at the church at 9:00am. A potluck lunch is served at noon, followed by devotions and a business meeting.
Types of sewing projects:
- Quilt squares are cut, pieced and tied-off into quilts for missionaries, organizations and needy people
- Goody-bags are made and filled with grooming items for children at Youth Haven Ranch
- Bibs and lap robes are made for nursing homes
- Bags are made for walkers

Come and have lunch with a missionary! Come to Mission Focus on usually the Fourth Monday at 12:30 pm upstairs in the Commons.
Special Guest Missionary will be sharing (about 1:15 pm) about their ministry. Check the current bulletin for more details on our guest.
Contact Nancy in the church office (322-2000 or nbassett@southlife.org) to reserve your spot for lunch, or to get on the mailing list.

If you enjoy sewing or helping, this is a great way to use your talents. This group of ladies meets the second Thursday of each month (September – May) at the church at 9:00am. A potluck lunch is served at noon, followed by devotions and a business meeting.
Types of sewing projects:
- Quilt squares are cut, pieced and tied-off into quilts for missionaries, organizations and needy people
- Goody-bags are made and filled with grooming items for children at Youth Haven Ranch
- Bibs and lap robes are made for nursing homes
- Bags are made for walkers

How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? Romans 10:14
Conference Schedule
NB: This symbol ! means that reservations are required for these events – use the paper form or sign up below
Friday, October 14
! 6:30 pm – Friday Fusion This is an AFTER dinner event.
Global guests will be set up in diff erent rooms of the church, and you will rotate
through the rooms, based on the ticket times you pick up when you arrive. See
the insert for more specific information. Everyone is invited to come and mix
with our guests (childcare is not provided).
Saturday, October 15
! 12:00 noon – Ladies’ Lunch in the Commons
Come and enjoy a special time of yummy salad lunch, fellowship and a Q&A with our guests. Learn how we
can better pray for them. We need volunteers to bring a salad to pass. Sign up
on the insert and/or at the conference table.
Sunday, October 16
9:30 am Balanced Worship in the Worship Center
Greeting from Paul & Susan
11:00 am Creative Worship in the Chapel
Greeting from Michele
Keynote Speaker: Dale Marshfield
Global Guests
9:35 am
• Student Ministry (Student Ministry Center): Eddie & Maggi
• College (South Life Center): Larry & Helen
• Crossroads (Room 201): Ben & Jessi
11:00 am
• Homebuilders (Room 111): Jim & Carolyn (with Anna & Juan Antonio)
• Journey (Room 201): Paul & Susan
• New Horizons (Room 202): Jeff & Rose
• Rooted (Room 204): Michele
• Christian Families (Room 205): Terry & Helen
• God’s Potpourri (Room 228): Jessica
6:00 pm Evening Worship in the Chapel
Keynote Speaker: Dale Marshfield
Greeting from Lisa
! 7:15 pm All Church Gathering in the South Life Center
Sign up and come for a light meal and a time of fellowshipping with our Global guests.
Monday, October 17
! 12:00 noon – Senior Adult/Mission Focus in the Commons
Come for lunch and a great time of fellowship with all of our global guests, with an update from
Jeff & Rose, and Ben & Jessi.
! 6:00 pm – Neighborhood Fellowship
Choose the fellowship closest to your home or pick which Global guest you would like to hear and please RSVP to the
host to find out what side dish to bring. Ham is provided for the main course.
• West Lansing: Eddie & Maggi at the Hultquists, contact Ruth Hultquist
• West Lansing: Jessica at the Oldhams contact Marilyn Oldham
• South Lansing: Jim & Carolyn (with Anna & Juan Antonio) at the Sovas, contact Kate Sova
• North Lansing: Terry & Helen at , contact Elaine Snyder
• DeWitt: Ben & Jessi at the Grays, contact Melissa Gray
• East Lansing: Jeff & Rose at the DeLaps, contact Shannon DeLap
• Grand Ledge: Larry & Helen (with Jessie & Rebekah) at the Hudsons, contact
Jackie Hudson
• Mason: Michele (and Sally) at the Eastmans, contact Judy Eastman
• South Lansing: Lisa at the Wilsons, contact Larry or Melissa Wilson
If you don’t have contact info, you can RSVP to the church and we will do our best to let the hosts know. 517-322-2000 or info@southlife.org.
Tuesday, October 18
! 7:00 am – Men’s Breakfast in the Commons
Come for a great breakfast and hear an update from Larry and Terry
! 6:30 pm – Communion Service in the Chapel
Join us for a greeting from Jeff & Rose, worship, communion and a devotional from Jim.
Wednesday, October 19
! 5:00 pm – Family Dinner in the South Life Center
Our Global guests will be joining us. Sign up (and prepay) at southlife.org/meals, deadline is Tuesday (Oct 26) at noon.
6:30 pm – Closing Program in the Chapel
Come and hear a greeting from Ben & Jessi, plus our unique opportunity to have past and present leaders of the
annual Mexico trip with us (panel discussion) followed by a special message from Eddie.
Jr & Sr High students will join the Closing Program. Awana will meet as usual.

Come and have lunch with a missionary! Come to Mission Focus on usually the Fourth Monday at 12:30 pm upstairs in the Commons.
Special Guest Missionary will be sharing (about 1:15 pm) about their ministry. Check the current bulletin for more details on our guest.
Contact Nancy in the church office (322-2000 or nbassett@southlife.org) to reserve your spot for lunch, or to get on the mailing list.

It’s time for our annual Shoebox Collection for Operation Christmas Child.
- Collection dates are 10/30, 11/6, 11/13
- If you can’t pack a box, help ship one!
- Stop by the table in the Gathering for more information
For more information: https://www.samaritanspurse.org/what-we-do/operation-christmas-child/

If you enjoy sewing or helping, this is a great way to use your talents. This group of ladies meets the second Thursday of each month (September – May) at the church at 9:00am. A potluck lunch is served at noon, followed by devotions and a business meeting.
Types of sewing projects:
- Quilt squares are cut, pieced and tied-off into quilts for missionaries, organizations and needy people
- Goody-bags are made and filled with grooming items for children at Youth Haven Ranch
- Bibs and lap robes are made for nursing homes
- Bags are made for walkers

Come and have lunch with a missionary! Come to Mission Focus on usually the Fourth Monday at 12:30 pm upstairs in the Commons.
Special Guest Missionary will be sharing (about 1:15 pm) about their ministry. Check the current bulletin for more details on our guest.
Contact Nancy in the church office (322-2000 or nbassett@southlife.org) to reserve your spot for lunch, or to get on the mailing list.

If you enjoy sewing or helping, this is a great way to use your talents. This group of ladies meets the second Thursday of each month (September – May) at the church at 9:00am. A potluck lunch is served at noon, followed by devotions and a business meeting.
Types of sewing projects:
- Quilt squares are cut, pieced and tied-off into quilts for missionaries, organizations and needy people
- Goody-bags are made and filled with grooming items for children at Youth Haven Ranch
- Bibs and lap robes are made for nursing homes
- Bags are made for walkers