Mosaic Ministries will be visiting the Michigan History Center, 702 W Kalamazoo St, Lansing. We will meet at the History Center at 1 pm and walk thru as a group. This center offers a walk-through of Michigan’s rich past, from the time of the state’s earliest peoples to the late 20th century. There is a $6 fee for this event.

Mosaic Ministries will be traveling to Dow Gardens in Midland for the day. We will meet at the church at 9 am to ride together. Dow Gardens features spectacular botanical gardens, butterflies, waterfall and the nation’s longest canopy walk. There is a cost of $5-$10 to go through the gardens. The cost depends on what activities you want to do there. Come join us!

“Frendz” Big Band Swing/50s Rock/Motown Greats, will be sharing their music at St Johns City Park. We will have a potluck picnic starting at 5:30 pm in the pavilion. Bring a lawn chair, a passing dish and your appetite. Let’s fellowship together over a nice picnic dinner and great music. Concert starts at 7 pm. If you want to carpool, meet in the church parking lot by 4:30 pm.

Mosaic ministry is planning a Bonfire with the Legacy group at the church. We will begin at 6 pm with roasting hot dogs over the fire. The hot dogs, buns and condiments will be provided. Please bring something good that goes well with hot dogs and s’mores, and a lawn chair. Let’s enjoy fellowship with other seniors. If we have inclement weather, the event will be cancelled. Please sign up on the Legacy board if you plan to attend.

How about a trip down the river on the Michigan Princess? We haven’t done this in a while. October should have beautiful colors along the river. We need to arrive at the boat dock by 11 am. Boat leaves at 11:30 and returns at 1-1:30. Tickets are $48 for seniors and includes a meal of Roasted Turkey, Vegetarian Lasagna, Creamy Garlic mashed potatoes, Stuffing, Sweet Potato Casserole, Green Bean Casserole, Corn, Tossed salad and Dinner Rolls. Whew, that’s a lot of food! Dixieland Jazz will also be playing as we cruise. Please sign up on the Legacy board if you plan to attend so we know how many tickets we will need.
Registration is now full. Contact Marilyn for more information.

We will be gathering together for our annual Thanksgiving potluck. We will meet in the Fireside Room at South Church at 5 pm to start the festivities. Please bring a dish to pass. We are planning to have some fun after we are done eating. Please sign up on the Legacy Board for this event so we know how many to plan for.