Never Alone (widows) group meets on Thursdays, once a month at 1:00 pm. To reserve a spot, call Carol Senard at (517) 256-1122 or Lois Freeman at (517) 449-3279 by Wednesday before the luncheon. These are usually the fourth Thursday of the month. Plans are made six months at a time.
July 25 – Olga’s in Frandor
August 22 – Lucky’s, Okemos Rd, North of Jolly Rd.
September 26 – Buddies, corner of Aurelius and Holt Roads, Holt
October 24 – Cheddar’s, West Saginaw
November 21 – Bravo’s, Eastwood Town Center, Lake Lansing Rd.
December 19 – Longhorn Steak House, in front of the Lansing Mall

Baptism Classes are coming up for those who are interested in being baptized at our next baptismal service on October 27th. Attend both September 21st and 29th classes, 9:30 am-10:30 am in room 202.
Ways to register: Call Terri in the church office at (517) 322-2000, turn in a connection card or let us know you plan to attend the baptism preparation courses with the form below.

The pathway to church membership begins Saturday, September 21, 2024. Come, learn more about membership at South. Enjoy a great discussion, fellowship, and light refreshments with our pastors and deacons. Three Sunday sessions will follow at 9:30 am on September 22, 29 and October 6. Please RSVP: use the connection card on your worship folder, call Terri at 517 3222000, or go register on the form below.
Church Membership
Church membership is about belonging to one another and becoming like Jesus. It is the way for individual Christians to make their formal commitment to the South Church family. In becoming a church member, individuals express their submission to the leadership of the church in accordance with the teaching of Scripture and the doctrinal statement of South Church.
Requirements for South Church Membership:
- Personal profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
- Committed to corporate worship and personal devotion to Christ and His Word.
- Baptism as a believer—at South Church we practice believer’s baptism by immersion. According to the command of Jesus himself and consistent with New Testament teaching, those who have consciously turned from their sin and put their personal faith in Jesus Christ should be baptized as an outward sign of their commitment to Him as Savior and Lord.
- Membership Course—attend The Membership Course that is normally offered three times during the year.
Please RSVP using the form below one week prior.

The pathway to church membership begins Saturday, September 21, 2024. Come, learn more about membership at South. Enjoy a great discussion, fellowship, and light refreshments with our pastors and deacons. Three Sunday sessions will follow at 9:30 am on September 22, 29 and October 6. Please RSVP: use the connection card on your worship folder, call Terri at 517 3222000, or go register on the form below.
Church Membership
Church membership is about belonging to one another and becoming like Jesus. It is the way for individual Christians to make their formal commitment to the South Church family. In becoming a church member, individuals express their submission to the leadership of the church in accordance with the teaching of Scripture and the doctrinal statement of South Church.
Requirements for South Church Membership:
- Personal profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
- Committed to corporate worship and personal devotion to Christ and His Word.
- Baptism as a believer—at South Church we practice believer’s baptism by immersion. According to the command of Jesus himself and consistent with New Testament teaching, those who have consciously turned from their sin and put their personal faith in Jesus Christ should be baptized as an outward sign of their commitment to Him as Savior and Lord.
- Membership Course—attend The Membership Course that is normally offered three times during the year.
Please RSVP using the form below one week prior.

Never Alone (widows) group meets on Thursdays, once a month at 1:00 pm. To reserve a spot, call Carol Senard at (517) 256-1122 or Lois Freeman at (517) 449-3279 by Wednesday before the luncheon. These are usually the fourth Thursday of the month. Plans are made six months at a time.
July 25 – Olga’s in Frandor
August 22 – Lucky’s, Okemos Rd, North of Jolly Rd.
September 26 – Buddies, corner of Aurelius and Holt Roads, Holt
October 24 – Cheddar’s, West Saginaw
November 21 – Bravo’s, Eastwood Town Center, Lake Lansing Rd.
December 19 – Longhorn Steak House, in front of the Lansing Mall

Never Alone (widows) group meets on Thursdays, once a month at 1:00 pm. To reserve a spot, call Carol Senard at (517) 256-1122 or Lois Freeman at (517) 449-3279 by Wednesday before the luncheon. These are usually the fourth Thursday of the month. Plans are made six months at a time.
July 25 – Olga’s in Frandor
August 22 – Lucky’s, Okemos Rd, North of Jolly Rd.
September 26 – Buddies, corner of Aurelius and Holt Roads, Holt
October 24 – Cheddar’s, West Saginaw
November 21 – Bravo’s, Eastwood Town Center, Lake Lansing Rd.
December 19 – Longhorn Steak House, in front of the Lansing Mall