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Women’s Study – Precept Inductive Study on Revelation
Feb 25 @ 12:00 pm – 2:30 pm

Precept Study on Revelation, Pt. 4

Tuesdays, 12:00 pm – Room 111
Beginning February 18th, 2025
“Inductive Bible Study of Revelation, Precept Study

Ladies, come study the book of Revelation inductively! Inductive Bible study is a method of studying that allows you to discover for yourself what Scripture says and means. You will learn methods of observation, interpretation, and application. Our goal: to know God better and let the Truth of God’s Word transform us! In Revelation chapters 4-22, God reveals what will happen in end times. We will discover the events that will take place, as revealed by God in His Word. We will reason through scripture together and start to build our understanding.

Questions? Contact Marilyn Wagner
Facilitated by Pat Schiable, Marilyn Wagner, and Jan Zanetti

Wednesday Women’s Bible Study @ Rm 201
Feb 26 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

When Faith Becomes Sight: Heaven by Jennifer RothschildHeaven. Who goes there? Where is it? What will we do there? Questions like these arise when we consider an eternal future beyond this physical life. How can we know the truth about what comes next?  In this 7-session video-based Bible study workbook, Jennifer Rothschild explores the subject of Heaven from a biblical perspective. She will separate what’s true about Heaven from what’s based on legend, media depictions, and hopeful guesses. As you walk through the study, you’ll not only gain a deeper understanding of what God has prepared for His children, but also learn how to live with confidence today as you look forward to the glorious unending that awaits. Don’t just wonder about Heaven—embrace it with a faith that turns anticipation into excitement and peace.

Wednesdays, 6:30 pm – Room 201
Beginning January 15th
Workbook $22.00 with video access
Facilitated by Tiffany Wilkinson and Melissa Gray
*Nursery, Awana and Youth activities are available for women attending the study.

Communion @ South Church
Mar 2 @ 9:30 am – 12:00 pm
Communion @ South Church

This Sunday we will have the opportunity to celebrate communion together, live and online. We are glad for the opportunity to participate again in something that followers of Jesus have been celebrating for over 2000 years, as we focus on the atoning death of our Savior.

Not all of us we will be able to be together physically, but we will be together spiritually, sharing in God’s Word, so we put together this “Communion at Home Guide” for you. 

  1. Prepare your own bread and cup to use during the communion time.
  2. Before the service, spend time prayerfully reflecting on the sacrifice of Jesus. We encourage you to read passages like Luke 22:7-20 and 1 Corinthians 11: 23-28 to help you prepare as well.
  3. Spend time examining your heart before the service.  We believe that the Communion meal is for believers, members of Christ’s body, who are sincerely following Him.
  4. Talk to your kids about communion.  Perhaps share your story of coming to faith in Christ with them (and guide them as to whether they themselves should participate at this time).
  5. Join us for our online service this Sunday at 9:30 a.m.

We’re so looking forward to worshipping together with you, as we share in music of worship, receive God’s Word and celebrate communion together.

Sunday Women’s Bible Study @ Board Room
Mar 2 @ 11:00 am – 12:30 pm

Heaven. Who goes there? Where is it? What will we do there? Questions like these arise when we consider an eternal future beyond this physical life. How can we know the truth about what comes next?

In this 7-session video-based Bible study workbook, Jennifer Rothschild explores the subject of Heaven from a biblical perspective. She will separate what’s true about Heaven from what’s based on legend, media depictions, and hopeful guesses. As you walk through the study, you’ll not only gain a deeper understanding of what God has prepared for His children, but also learn how to live with confidence today as you look forward to the glorious unending that awaits. Don’t just wonder about Heaven—embrace it with a faith that turns anticipation into excitement and peace.

Sundays, 11:00 am – Board Room
Beginning February 16th
Workbook $25.00 with video access
Facilitated by Dianne Kreh___

Christianity Explored @ Fireside Room
Mar 2 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Christianity Explored @ Fireside Room

Who is Jesus? Why did He come? What does it mean to follow Him? This 7-week course will begin January 12, 2025, at 6:00 pm in the Fireside Room for those interested in the basics of Christianity. Please RSVP here:
If the above form isn’t working, click here to enroll.

I Will Survive and Thrive @ Fireside Room
Mar 3 @ 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
I Will Survive and Thrive @ Fireside Room

I Will Survive and Thrive Cancer support group will be meeting the first Monday on the monther at Noon in the Fireside Room. We will enjoy caring and sharing time together. We hope you are able to join us.

Women’s Study – Precept Inductive Study on Revelation
Mar 4 @ 12:00 pm – 2:30 pm

Precept Study on Revelation, Pt. 4

Tuesdays, 12:00 pm – Room 111
Beginning February 18th, 2025
“Inductive Bible Study of Revelation, Precept Study

Ladies, come study the book of Revelation inductively! Inductive Bible study is a method of studying that allows you to discover for yourself what Scripture says and means. You will learn methods of observation, interpretation, and application. Our goal: to know God better and let the Truth of God’s Word transform us! In Revelation chapters 4-22, God reveals what will happen in end times. We will discover the events that will take place, as revealed by God in His Word. We will reason through scripture together and start to build our understanding.

Questions? Contact Marilyn Wagner
Facilitated by Pat Schiable, Marilyn Wagner, and Jan Zanetti

Women of Prayer @ Board Room
Mar 8 @ 8:30 am – 9:30 am
Women of Prayer @ Board Room

Gather with other women the 2nd Saturday of each month as we pray for the ministries of our church, community and world. We are will be meeting in person. Join us upstairs in room 205 at 8:30 am for an hour.

Sunday Women’s Bible Study @ Board Room
Mar 9 @ 11:00 am – 12:30 pm

Heaven. Who goes there? Where is it? What will we do there? Questions like these arise when we consider an eternal future beyond this physical life. How can we know the truth about what comes next?

In this 7-session video-based Bible study workbook, Jennifer Rothschild explores the subject of Heaven from a biblical perspective. She will separate what’s true about Heaven from what’s based on legend, media depictions, and hopeful guesses. As you walk through the study, you’ll not only gain a deeper understanding of what God has prepared for His children, but also learn how to live with confidence today as you look forward to the glorious unending that awaits. Don’t just wonder about Heaven—embrace it with a faith that turns anticipation into excitement and peace.

Sundays, 11:00 am – Board Room
Beginning February 16th
Workbook $25.00 with video access
Facilitated by Dianne Kreh___

Refugee Prayer, Care & Share @ Board Room
Mar 9 @ 5:00 pm – 5:45 pm
Refugee Prayer, Care & Share @ Board Room

God is bringing the nations to Lansing. Join with others in greater Lansing to pray as a community for the refugees in our community. There will also be an opportunity to share with others if you are currently involved in refugee outreach. Boardroom, March 9, 5 PM.