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Frontline @ South Church
Dec 22 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Frontline @ South Church

Frontline is a growing group of young adults. Whether you’re newly married, single, grad student, or just young and in the working world, we invite you to join us! We meet on Thursdays at 6:30 pm, and rotate between Bible study, dinner, and service projects in Lansing. Contact Mark (517) 490-7758 or Kim(517) 614-0362 Dalman, or Nico (517) 402-5306 or Danielle (517) 303-4356 Berroa to get an update on our calendar.

Frontline @ South Church
Dec 29 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Frontline @ South Church

Frontline is a growing group of young adults. Whether you’re newly married, single, grad student, or just young and in the working world, we invite you to join us! We meet on Thursdays at 6:30 pm, and rotate between Bible study, dinner, and service projects in Lansing. Contact Mark (517) 490-7758 or Kim(517) 614-0362 Dalman, or Nico (517) 402-5306 or Danielle (517) 303-4356 Berroa to get an update on our calendar.

A Communion Meal @ South Church
Feb 5 @ 6:00 pm – 7:45 pm
A Communion Meal @ South Church

A Communion Meal
A Special Service Celebrating the Lord’s Supper. On February 5th, at 6 pm, South will come together for a special celebration of the bread and the cup. We will experience the Lord’s Supper with one another in a fresh and meaningful way, also sharing a supper of soup and salad. This will be a simple and meaningful time of worship and a time of great fellowship. Please sign up: at the table in the gather space, call the church office, or email Plan to arrive early!! Chapel.

Chosen Ministry Christmas Party @ Student Ministry Center
Dec 9 @ 11:30 am – 2:00 pm
Chosen Ministry Christmas Party @ Student Ministry Center

Come Celebrate Jesus’s Birthday Saturday, December 9th, 11:30-2 pm. This is a special event for our Chosen Ministry. You can come help with food, sit with our guests, help with games, or put together gifts before the event. No matter what you will be Blessed to be a part of this event. Please contact Terri at for more details.

A Communion Meal @ South Church
Feb 4 @ 6:00 pm – 7:45 pm
A Communion Meal @ South Church

A Communion Meal:
A Special Service Celebrating the Lord’s Supper. On February 4th, at 6 pm, South will come together for a special celebration of the bread and the cup. We will experience the Lord’s Supper with one another in a fresh and meaningful way, also sharing a supper of soup and salad and a time of great fellowship. This will be a simple and meaningful time of worship for our regular evening service. Please arrive early!!! Please sign up at a table in the gathering space, call Terri in the Church office, or by e-mail at

Chosen Ministry Easter Party @ South Life Center (Gym)
Mar 23 @ 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Chosen Ministry Easter Party @ South Life Center (Gym)

South Church’s Chosen Ministry for special needs adults will have an Easter Party March 23 from 11:30 am -1:30 PM. We have a fun party planned food, crafts, music and a message from Pastor Nick. Please invite your special friends to this event. We are still in need of a few table leaders. Please contact Terri Bettinger for more details.

Exposition Training – Revelation @ The Commons at South Church
Sep 27 – Sep 28 all-day
Exposition Training - Revelation @ The Commons at South Church

Exposition Training – Revelation
Is the book of Revelation scary to you? It shouldn’t be! There is a blessing for those who read, listen and keep it (Rev. 1:3). Join Pastors Keith and Tim September 27th (5-9 pm) and 28th (9 am-4:30 pm) for a thorough study of the book. You can attend as a participant or an observer. Please RSVP by September 23.

Communion @ South Church
Nov 10 @ 9:30 am – 12:00 pm
Communion @ South Church

This Sunday we will have the opportunity to celebrate communion together, live and online. We are glad for the opportunity to participate again in something that followers of Jesus have been celebrating for over 2000 years, as we focus on the atoning death of our Savior.

Not all of us we will be able to be together physically, but we will be together spiritually, sharing in God’s Word, so we put together this “Communion at Home Guide” for you. 

  1. Prepare your own bread and cup to use during the communion time.
  2. Before the service, spend time prayerfully reflecting on the sacrifice of Jesus. We encourage you to read passages like Luke 22:7-20 and 1 Corinthians 11: 23-28 to help you prepare as well.
  3. Spend time examining your heart before the service.  We believe that the Communion meal is for believers, members of Christ’s body, who are sincerely following Him.
  4. Talk to your kids about communion.  Perhaps share your story of coming to faith in Christ with them (and guide them as to whether they themselves should participate at this time).
  5. Join us for our online service this Sunday at 9:30 a.m.

We’re so looking forward to worshipping together with you, as we share in music of worship, receive God’s Word and celebrate communion together.

Communion @ South Church
Dec 1 @ 9:30 am – 12:00 pm
Communion @ South Church

This Sunday we will have the opportunity to celebrate communion together, live and online. We are glad for the opportunity to participate again in something that followers of Jesus have been celebrating for over 2000 years, as we focus on the atoning death of our Savior.

Not all of us we will be able to be together physically, but we will be together spiritually, sharing in God’s Word, so we put together this “Communion at Home Guide” for you. 

  1. Prepare your own bread and cup to use during the communion time.
  2. Before the service, spend time prayerfully reflecting on the sacrifice of Jesus. We encourage you to read passages like Luke 22:7-20 and 1 Corinthians 11: 23-28 to help you prepare as well.
  3. Spend time examining your heart before the service.  We believe that the Communion meal is for believers, members of Christ’s body, who are sincerely following Him.
  4. Talk to your kids about communion.  Perhaps share your story of coming to faith in Christ with them (and guide them as to whether they themselves should participate at this time).
  5. Join us for our online service this Sunday at 9:30 a.m.

We’re so looking forward to worshipping together with you, as we share in music of worship, receive God’s Word and celebrate communion together.

Communion @ South Church
Jan 5 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Communion @ South Church

This week we will have the opportunity to celebrate communion together, live and online. We are glad for the opportunity to participate again in something that followers of Jesus have been celebrating for over 2000 years, as we focus on the atoning death of our Savior.

Not all of us we will be able to be together physically, but we will be together spiritually, sharing in God’s Word, so we put together this “Communion at Home Guide” for you. 

  1. Prepare your own bread and cup to use during the communion time.
  2. Before the service, spend time prayerfully reflecting on the sacrifice of Jesus. We encourage you to read passages like Luke 22:7-20 and 1 Corinthians 11: 23-28 to help you prepare as well.
  3. Spend time examining your heart before the service.  We believe that the Communion meal is for believers, members of Christ’s body, who are sincerely following Him.
  4. Talk to your kids about communion.  Perhaps share your story of coming to faith in Christ with them (and guide them as to whether they themselves should participate at this time).
  5. Join us for our online service this Sunday at 9:30 a.m.

We’re so looking forward to worshipping together with you, as we share in music of worship, receive God’s Word and celebrate communion together.