Love Clothing Center provides clothing for school age children who cannot afford to buy new. As we are getting close to the start of school year let’s help them get ready. Suggested donation items are:
- Boys’ boxer briefs size 4-20
- Girls’ underwear size 4-12
- socks all sizes and types of girls, boys, men’s and women.
Bring them August 4 and 11 to the table in the gathering space or near the East entrance. There will be a donation box for items that are missing.

Love Clothing Center provides clothing for school age children who cannot afford to buy new. As we are getting close to the start of school year let’s help them get ready. Suggested donation items are:
- Boys’ boxer briefs size 4-20
- Girls’ underwear size 4-12
- socks all sizes and types of girls, boys, men’s and women.
Bring them August 4 and 11 to the table in the gathering space or near the East entrance. There will be a donation box for items that are missing.

Have lunch with a missionary!
Come to Mission Focus on Monday, September 23 at 12:30 pm in the Commons
Special Guests: Mark Criss will be sharing (about 1:15 pm) about the building expansion at the Rescue Mission of Lansing. Contact Nancy in the church office (322-2000 or nbassett@southlife.org) to reserve your spot. Lunch is macaroni & cheese and hot dogs, cost $2.

The Women’s South Asia Teams will be hosting a ‘Freedom Market’ to raise awareness for rescue ministries in South Asia. We are partnering with “Love Calcutta Arts” to support their ministry by providing an opportunity for you to “shop for a cause.”
The scarring influence of the sex trade does not affect only one generation in India. Desperate mothers often leave a legacy of poverty and prostitution to their daughters who are forced into the same predicament because they know no other lifestyle.
Enter Love Calcutta Arts. This artisan group’s handicrafts unit enables young women to support themselves with dignity and help their mothers leave the sex industry. These hardworking women make high-quality handmade products, in a loving environment where they learn of their heavenly Father’s love for them.
Visit the Freedom Market during Mission Conference week to support this ministry.

if you continue in your faith, established and firm, and do not move from the hope held out in the gospel. This is the gospel that you heard and that has been proclaimed to every creature under heaven, and of which I, Paul, have become a servant.Colossians 1:23
Mission conference 2024 – The Hope of the Gospel!
• October 18-23
• Keynote speaker: Dale Marshfield
Friday, October 18
**5:45 pm – FRIDAY FUSION Join us for dinner with the global guests. Then at 6:45 pm our global guests will be set up in different rooms of the church, and you will rotate through the rooms, based on the ticket times you pick up when you arrive. See the insert for more specific information. Everyone is invited to come, but childcare is not provided.
Saturday, October 19
**12:30 pm – LADIES’ LUNCH in the Commons – come and enjoy a special time of yummy salad lunch, fellowship and a Q&A with our guests. Learn how we can better pray for them. We need volunteers to bring a salad to pass. Sign up at the conference table.
Sunday, October 20
9:30 am BALANCED WORSHIP in the Worship Center
11:00 am CREATIVE WORSHIP in the Chapel Keynote Speaker in both services: Dale Marshfield
GLOBAL GUESTS IN ABC CLASSES (feel free to join any room today):
9:35 am
• Student Ministry (Student Ministry Center): Charlie
• College (South Life Center): Michael & Monica
• Rooted (Room 204): John
• Crossroads (Room 205): Michael & Iro
11:00 am
• Homebuilders (Room 111): Jeff & Rose
• Christian Families (Room 201): Matt & Jennifer
• New Horizons (Room 202): Jared & Melanie
• Journey (Room 205): Emily
• God’s Potpourri (Room 228): Jim & Carolyn with Anna & Juan Antonio
6:00 pm EVENING WORSHIP in the Chapel Keynote Speaker: Dale Marshfield
**7:15 pm ALL CHURCH GATHERING in the South Life Center. Sign up and come for a light meal and a time of fellowship with our Global guests.
Monday, October 21
**12:30 pm – MISSION FOCUS/LEGACY in the Commons. Come for lunch and a great time to get to know our guests better.
**6:00 pm – NEIGHBORHOOD FELLOWSHIPS Choose the fellowship closest to
your home or pick which Global guest you would like to hear and PLEASE RSVP
TO THE HOST to find out what side dish to bring. Ham is provided.
• At the church: Charlie in Room 111; contact Michelle Rainsberger
• At the church: Jeff & Rose in Room 201; contact Rita Craig
• At the church: Jared & Mel in the Student Ministry Center; contact Faith Opper
• At the church: Jim & Carolyn with Anna & Juan Antonio in room 207; contact
Judy Eastman
• South Lansing: Joel & Misti at the Sovas, contact Kate Sova
• North Lansing: Ben & Jessi at the Lutz’s, contact Cindy Lutz
• East Lansing: Michael & Iro at the DeLaps, contact Shannon DeLap
• Grand Ledge: Mike & Linda at the Grangers, contact Cheryl Granger
• Grand Ledge: Matt & Jennifer at the Hudsons, contact Jackie Hudson
• Grand Ledge: John at the Petersons, contact Judy Peterson
• Okemos: Emily at the Grangers, contact Hannah Granger
• Holt: Bill at the Feuss home, contact Carol Feuss
For complete address and phone information of the hosts, pick up a brochure at church, or contact Nancy in the church office at nbassett@southlife.org or call (517) 322-2000
Tuesday, October 22
**7:00 am – MEN’s BREAKFAST in the Commons. Come for a hearty breakfast and hear an update from Bill and Jeff.
**6:30 pm – COMMUNION SERVICE in the Chapel. Join us for worship, communion and short message from Joel.
Wednesday, October 23
**5:00 pm – FAMILY DINNER in the South Life Center. Our global guests will be joining us. Sign up deadline is Tuesday (Oct 22) at noon. For sign up and prices, visit southlife.org/meals
6:30 pm – CLOSING PROGRAM in the Chapel. Come and hear a panel featuring Mike & Linda and Michael & Iro. A short devotional from Matt will follow. Awana and Jr High will meet as usual. Sr High will join the Closing Program.
NOTE: This symbol ** means that reservations are required for these events – use the paper form or the form below.

It’s time for our annual Shoebox Collection for Operation Christmas Child.
- Collection dates are 11/3, 11/10, 11/17
- If you can’t pack a box, help ship one!
- Stop by the table in the Gathering for more information
For more information: https://www.samaritanspurse.org/what-we-do/operation-christmas-child/
When Faith Becomes Sight: Heaven by Jennifer RothschildHeaven. Who goes there? Where is it? What will we do there? Questions like these arise when we consider an eternal future beyond this physical life. How can we know the truth about what comes next? In this 7-session video-based Bible study workbook, Jennifer Rothschild explores the subject of Heaven from a biblical perspective. She will separate what’s true about Heaven from what’s based on legend, media depictions, and hopeful guesses. As you walk through the study, you’ll not only gain a deeper understanding of what God has prepared for His children, but also learn how to live with confidence today as you look forward to the glorious unending that awaits. Don’t just wonder about Heaven—embrace it with a faith that turns anticipation into excitement and peace.
Wednesdays, 6:30 pm – Room 201
Beginning January 15th
Workbook $22.00 with video access
Facilitated by Tiffany Wilkinson and Melissa Gray
*Nursery, Awana and Youth activities are available for women attending the study.