Baptism Classes are coming up for those who are interested in being baptized at our next baptismal service on November 5, 2023. Attend both September 24 & October 1 classes. 9:30 am-10:30 am in room 207.
Ways to register: Call Terri in the church office at (517) 322-2000, turn in a connection card or let us know you plan to attend the baptism preparation courses with the form below.

Baptism Classes are coming up for those who are interested in being baptized at our next baptismal service on November 5, 2023. Attend both September 24 & October 1 classes. 9:30 am-10:30 am in room 207.
Ways to register: Call Terri in the church office at (517) 322-2000, turn in a connection card or let us know you plan to attend the baptism preparation courses with the form below.

Dates: October 20 – 25
Theme: Find Your Role in Missions
Keynote: Paul Davis, president of ABWE
Project: Basketballs and Bibles – what do these have in common? Outreach of the Gospel!!
Basketballs – building a basketball court at the CLAY Center in Thailand
Bibles – translation project in Nigeria
We are still looking for meal hosts for Saturday dinner and Sunday lunch – contact Nancy if you’d like to host a missionary family.
Brochures will be available to pick up on October 8, detailing conference events and schedule.
Signups are required for many of the events – sign up below or at the conference table in the Gathering or by the library beginning on October 8.
Conference Events
Friday, October 20
6:00 pm – Friday Fusion Join us for dinner with the global guests, then at 6:45pm, our global guests will be set up in different rooms of the church, and you will rotate through the rooms, based on the ticket times you pick up when you arrive. See the insert for more specific information. Everyone is invited to come, but childcare is not provided. Please RSVP to attend.
Saturday, October 21
12:00 noon – Ladies’ Lunch in the Commons – Come and enjoy a special time of yummy salad lunch, fellowship and a Q&A with our guests. Learn how we can better pray for them. We need volunteers to bring a salad to pass – sign up at the conference table.
Sunday, October 22
9:30 am Balanced Worship in the Worship Center
11:00 am Creative Worship in the Chapel
Keynote Speaker: Paul Davis
Global Guests in classes (feel free to join any room today):
9:35 am
• Student Ministry (Student Ministry Center): Brad & Amber
• College (Fireside Room): Tom & Lisa
• Crossroads (Room 205): Serkan & Berna
• Rooted (Room 204): Jacob & Asse
11:00 am
• Homebuilders (Room 111): JJ
• Journey (Room 205): Cody & Courtney
• Christian Families (Room 201): James & Renee
• New Horizons (Room 202): Dave & Diane, Pon & Daa
• God’s Potpourri (Room 228): Greg & Debby
6:00 pm Evening Worship in the Chapel
Keynote Speaker: Paul Davis
Greeting from JJ
7:15 pm All Church Gathering in the South Life Center. Sign up and come for a light meal and a time of fellowshipping with our Global guests.
Monday, October 23
12:30 pm Mission Focus/Legacy – in the Commons. Come for lunch and a great time of fellowship with our guests. Please RSVP to attend.
6:30 pm – Neighborhood Fellowships Please RSVP to attend.
• At the church:Marcus & Rachel, Fireside Room; contact Becky Phillips
• South Lansing:Jacob & Asse at the Sovas, contact Kate Sova
• South Lansing:Mark & Kim at the Oppers, contact Faith Opper
• North Lansing:Serkan & Berna, contact Elaine Snyder
• Eagle: Dave & Diane (with Pon & Daa) at the Petersons, contact Judy Peterson
• East Lansing:Greg & Debby at the DeLaps; contact Shannon DeLap
• Grand Ledge:Tom at the Hudsons, contact Jackie Hudson
• Grand Ledge:Brad & Amber at the Cheneys, contact Heidi Cheney
• Holt:James & Renee at the Loudons, contact Ted Loudon
• Okemos:Cody & Courtney at the Grangers, contact Hannah Granger
• Mason:Carl & Cindy at the Eastmans, contact Judy Eastman
For complete contact information of the hosts, pick up a brochure at church, or contact Nancy in the church office at nbassett@southlife.org or (517) 322-2000
Tuesday, October 24
7:00 am – Men’s Breakfast in the Commons. Come for a great breakfast and hear an update from Carl and Greg. Please RSVP to attend.
6:30 pm – Communion Service in the Chapel. Join us for a greeting from Serkan & Berna, worship, communion and short message from Greg. Please RSVP to attend.
Wednesday, October 25
5:00 pm – Family Dinner in the South Life Center. Our Global guests will be joining us. Sign up deadline is Tuesday (Oct 24) at noon. Sign up (and prepay) at southlife.org/meals
6:30 pm – Closing Program in the Chapel. Come and hear a greeting from Tom, then a “Barnabas” panel (based on Acts 11:19-30) featuring Dave, Kim, Josh, Courtney and Daa. A short faith story from Pon will follow. Awana will meet as usual. Senior and junior high students will join the Closing Program.

It’s time for our annual Shoebox Collection for Operation Christmas Child.
- Collection dates are 10/29, 11/5, 11/12
- If you can’t pack a box, help ship one!
- Stop by the table in the Gathering for more information
For more information: https://www.samaritanspurse.org/what-we-do/operation-christmas-child/

6:30 pm – Neighborhood Fellowships Choose the fellowship closest to your home or pick which Global guest you would like to hear and please RSVP to the host to find out what side dish to bring. Ham is provided as the main course.
- At the church:
Marcus & Rachel, Fireside Rm; contact Becky Phillips at married2apastor@gmail.com - South Lansing:
Jacob & Asse at the Sovas; contact Kate Sova at geiger.katelyn@gmail.com - South Lansing:
Mark & Kim at the Oppers; contact Faith Opper at opper.faith@gmail.com - North Lansing:
Serkan & Berna at Cadgewith Farms; contact Elaine Snyder at (517) 267-0725 - Eagle:
Dave & Diane (with Pon & Daa) at the Petersons; contact Judy Peterson at (517) 256-4942 - East Lansing:
Greg & Debby at the DeLaps, contact Shannon DeLap at (517) 980-5428 - Grand Ledge:
Tom at the Hudsons; contact Jackie Hudson at (517) 622-0024 - Grand Ledge:
Brad & Amber at the Cheneys; contact Heidi Cheney at chenheid@gmail.com - Holt:
James & Renee at the Loudons; contact Ted Loudon at (517) 488-7684 - Okemos:
Cody & Courtney at the Grangers; contact Hannah Granger at Dhgranger11@gmail.com - Mason:
Carl & Cindy at the Eastmans; contact Judy Eastman at (517) 676-1450
For complete address and email/phone information of the hosts, pick up a brochure at church, or contact Nancy in the church office at nbassett@southlife.org or (517) 322-2000

5:00 pm – Family Dinner in the South Life Center. Our Global guests will be joining us. Sign up deadline is Tuesday (Oct 24) at noon. Sign up (and prepay) at southlife.org/meals
6:30 pm – Closing Program in the Chapel. Come and hear a greeting from
Tom, then a “Barnabas” panel (based on Acts 11:19-30) featuring Dave, Kim, Josh, Courtney and Daa. A faith story from Pon (CLAY Center director) will follow.
Awana will meet as usual. Student Ministries and Wednesday Bible Studies will join the Closing Program.