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Saturate 48917
Oct 24 @ 12:30 pm – 1:00 pm
Saturate 48917

We still have 11 neighborhoods left to adopt, that’s 6,759 homes. Thank you to those who have already adopted the 14 neighborhoods of 8,131 homes. We would like to distribute the rest before the end of September. If you could adopt a neighborhood, please contact Debra Holton in Room 119 after each service or call the church office at 322-2000.

Saturate 48917
Oct 31 @ 12:30 pm – 1:00 pm
Saturate 48917

We still have 11 neighborhoods left to adopt, that’s 6,759 homes. Thank you to those who have already adopted the 14 neighborhoods of 8,131 homes. We would like to distribute the rest before the end of September. If you could adopt a neighborhood, please contact Debra Holton in Room 119 after each service or call the church office at 322-2000.

Saturate 48917
Nov 7 @ 12:30 pm – 1:00 pm
Saturate 48917

We still have 11 neighborhoods left to adopt, that’s 6,759 homes. Thank you to those who have already adopted the 14 neighborhoods of 8,131 homes. We would like to distribute the rest before the end of September. If you could adopt a neighborhood, please contact Debra Holton in Room 119 after each service or call the church office at 322-2000.

Saturate 48917
Nov 14 @ 12:30 pm – 1:00 pm
Saturate 48917

We still have 11 neighborhoods left to adopt, that’s 6,759 homes. Thank you to those who have already adopted the 14 neighborhoods of 8,131 homes. We would like to distribute the rest before the end of September. If you could adopt a neighborhood, please contact Debra Holton in Room 119 after each service or call the church office at 322-2000.

Saturate 48917
Nov 21 @ 12:30 pm – 1:00 pm
Saturate 48917

We still have 11 neighborhoods left to adopt, that’s 6,759 homes. Thank you to those who have already adopted the 14 neighborhoods of 8,131 homes. We would like to distribute the rest before the end of September. If you could adopt a neighborhood, please contact Debra Holton in Room 119 after each service or call the church office at 322-2000.

Saturate 48917
Nov 28 @ 12:30 pm – 1:00 pm
Saturate 48917

We still have 11 neighborhoods left to adopt, that’s 6,759 homes. Thank you to those who have already adopted the 14 neighborhoods of 8,131 homes. We would like to distribute the rest before the end of September. If you could adopt a neighborhood, please contact Debra Holton in Room 119 after each service or call the church office at 322-2000.

Saturate 48917
Dec 5 @ 12:30 pm – 1:00 pm
Saturate 48917

We still have 11 neighborhoods left to adopt, that’s 6,759 homes. Thank you to those who have already adopted the 14 neighborhoods of 8,131 homes. We would like to distribute the rest before the end of September. If you could adopt a neighborhood, please contact Debra Holton in Room 119 after each service or call the church office at 322-2000.

Saturate 48917
Dec 12 @ 12:30 pm – 1:00 pm
Saturate 48917

We still have 11 neighborhoods left to adopt, that’s 6,759 homes. Thank you to those who have already adopted the 14 neighborhoods of 8,131 homes. We would like to distribute the rest before the end of September. If you could adopt a neighborhood, please contact Debra Holton in Room 119 after each service or call the church office at 322-2000.

Lansing Talks – Frank Tanana @ South Church
Oct 30 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Lansing Talks - Frank Tanana @ South Church

Frank Tanana will resume our series of Lansing Talks – stories worth sharing. Tanana, who enjoyed a twenty-one year career in Major League Baseball (eight years with the Tigers), was born again in 1983 and became a leader among baseball’s Christian community. In retirement, he has continued to serve the Lord as an elder in his church, assisting the Tigers’ chaplain, and leading Bible studies. Please come hear his incredible story and about how the gospel changed his life. Contact Pastor Tim for more information:

How a November day in 1983 put Frank Tanana’s life on track –

The City Rescue Mission Food Drive
Apr 1 – Apr 30 all-day
The City Rescue Mission Food Drive

Please help The City Rescue Mission of Lansing bless our community. We all know times are hard, so there is much need.

Ideas for donations.

  • Salad Dressing, Large Bottles
  • Canned Fruit
  • Canned Vegetables
  • Apple or Grape Juice
  • Large Bottles
  • Cereal
  • Laundry Detergent Pods
  • Shampoo
  • Conditioner
  • Men’s T-shirts M to 5x
  • Women’s T-shirts M to 3x