Mexico Trip Informational meeting for those interested in the short-termMexico trip during the week of ThanksgivingSunday, July 24 at 12:15 pm in room 201. For more information, visit the table in the Gathering, and/or contact RogerGray at rogergray.home@yahoo.com

Learn about and engage with global missions on this trip to Tijuana, Mexico.
• Info meeting via Zoom on Thursday, June 29 at 7 PM.

Come Celebrate Jesus’s Birthday Saturday, December 9th, 11:30-2 pm. This is a special event for our Chosen Ministry. You can come help with food, sit with our guests, help with games, or put together gifts before the event. No matter what you will be Blessed to be a part of this event. Please contact Terri at tbettinger@southlife.org for more details.

Mission Trip Opportunity: A team is being formed to return to Solid Rock Bible camp in Soldotna, Alaska from July 20 – August 3, 2024
The work will include building a new Chapel for the camp. Carpentry skills helpful, but not necessary. There will be work for every skill level.
An informational meeting will be held on Sunday, February 4 at 12:30 pm in room 201.
Please contact Rob Sepeter at (517) 930-7290 or rob@sepeter.com for more information.

South Church’s Chosen Ministry for special needs adults will have an Easter Party March 23 from 11:30 am -1:30 PM. We have a fun party planned food, crafts, music and a message from Pastor Nick. Please invite your special friends to this event. We are still in need of a few table leaders. Please contact Terri Bettinger for more details.

Interested in going on the Mexico Mission Trip this fall? The dates are November 22 – 30, and open to all ages 16 and over. There will be an informational meeting via Zoom on Tuesday, June 18 at 7:00 pm. For more information, visit the table in the Gathering, or contact Chris Kinnas at (517) 249-8551 or ckinnas@gmail.com

A work team from South will be returning to Solid Rock Bible Camp (in Soldotna, Alaska) in July to help build a “little red schoolhouse”. This will be used for educational purposes in the Wilderness Camps and the Horsemanship program. The team is in need of $35,000 to cover the cost of the build. If you can help, please send to:
Solid Rock Bible Camp
36251 Solid Rock Rd 1
Soldotna, AK 99669
with a note that it is for the Little Red Schoolhouse Project, Michigan Team, July 2024.
If you’d like more information, please contact Rob Sepeter at rob@sepeter.com or (517) 930-7290. You can also visit the camp website. www.solidrockbiblecamp.com

South Church will be hosting David Phelps in concert on February 28th at 7pm. Doors open at 6pm. You may recognize songs by him like “No More Night” and “End of the Beginning”. Phelps is an American Christian music vocalist, songwriter, vocal arranger, and producer who is best known for singing tenor in the Gaither Vocal Band. He has also released several solo albums, including four Christmas collections.