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Tuesday Evening Men’s Study @ Zoom
Jan 21 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Tuesday Evening Men's Study @ Zoom

Tuesday Evening Men’s Study

7:00 – 8:00 PM by Zoom
Our time together begins with fellowship and prayer. Then we study by discussing the questions from our lesson.

During the discussion, the men are free to raise situations or issues that they are facing. Our goal is to go beyond knowledge and understanding to gain wisdom. We do that by thinking of ways to apply God’s truth to our lives. We have 3 rules: 1) We try to be prepared to answer the questions. 2) We don’t give advice but offer counsel. 3) Everything is to be held confidential. We always close with prayer requests and prayer.

We are very informal and enjoy getting to know each other. Many of our men are older, mature Christians, and all of us wish to be all that Christ would have us to be.

This is a great time to join in! Our current study is Revelation: The Christian’s Ultimate Victory by John MacArthur.

For more information and to get the zoom link, please contact Bill Patrick, 517-290-7911.

AWANA @ South Church
Jan 22 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
AWANA @ South Church

This fall we will begin our 42nd year of Awana. We will need a team of volunteers to serve in this ministry of teaching children God’s Truth. Please let us know if you’d be interested in learning about serving at Awana by contacting Kathy Risch (

Wednesday Women’s Bible Study @ Rm 201
Jan 22 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

When Faith Becomes Sight: Heaven by Jennifer RothschildHeaven. Who goes there? Where is it? What will we do there? Questions like these arise when we consider an eternal future beyond this physical life. How can we know the truth about what comes next?  In this 7-session video-based Bible study workbook, Jennifer Rothschild explores the subject of Heaven from a biblical perspective. She will separate what’s true about Heaven from what’s based on legend, media depictions, and hopeful guesses. As you walk through the study, you’ll not only gain a deeper understanding of what God has prepared for His children, but also learn how to live with confidence today as you look forward to the glorious unending that awaits. Don’t just wonder about Heaven—embrace it with a faith that turns anticipation into excitement and peace.

Wednesdays, 6:30 pm – Room 201
Beginning January 15th
Workbook $22.00 with video access
Facilitated by Tiffany Wilkinson and Melissa Gray
*Nursery, Awana and Youth activities are available for women attending the study.

Legacy Happy Birthday to you! @ South Life Center
Jan 23 @ 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Legacy Happy Birthday to you! @ South Life Center

Please join our Legacy Group as we thank God you were born. Pastor Tim will give a message, and we will have some great fellowship. We will be in the Student Ministry Center this time. There is no cost for this event. We ask you bring a gift for Camp Barakel, Shared Pregnancy, or Lansing Rescue Mission. This can be a cash donation or items to support their ministry.

Sunday Morning Services @ South Church
Jan 26 @ 9:30 am – 12:15 pm

We are currently offering two morning services – the Creative Service in the Chapel, and the Balanced Service in the Worship Center. Adult Bible Communities, children’s ministries and nursery are offered during both services.

9:30AM Balanced Service, Worship Center
11:00AM Creative Service, Chapel

Depending on the time of year, other programs are offered simultaneously with the services.  Click below for what interests you.

Kingdom Rock Choir 2024-25
Jan 26 @ 6:00 pm – 7:15 pm
Kingdom Rock Choir 2024-25

The Kingdom Rock Choir rehearsals take place on Sunday evenings at 6 PM, from September 22nd until the Spring show in May. This kids’ choir is for students from 3rd grade to 6th grade

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Legacy Dillies Pickleball @ South Life Center
Jan 27 @ 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Legacy Dillies Pickleball @ South Life Center

Are you a fun-loving South senior adult (55+) looking for fellowship and a little exercise as well? You’re in luck! Come check out Legacy’s pickleball group, the Dillies Pickleball Players! Never heard of or played the game? Come check it out. No experience needed!

We meet on Mondays (3-4:30 pm) the months of January-May and September-November and on Wednesdays the summer months of June-26th, July 24th, and August 28th. August. Equipment is provided or bring your own. If interested, contact Karen Philbrook at 217.649.2908 or for more information. /p>

Tuesday Evening Men’s Study @ Zoom
Jan 28 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Tuesday Evening Men's Study @ Zoom

Tuesday Evening Men’s Study

7:00 – 8:00 PM by Zoom
Our time together begins with fellowship and prayer. Then we study by discussing the questions from our lesson.

During the discussion, the men are free to raise situations or issues that they are facing. Our goal is to go beyond knowledge and understanding to gain wisdom. We do that by thinking of ways to apply God’s truth to our lives. We have 3 rules: 1) We try to be prepared to answer the questions. 2) We don’t give advice but offer counsel. 3) Everything is to be held confidential. We always close with prayer requests and prayer.

We are very informal and enjoy getting to know each other. Many of our men are older, mature Christians, and all of us wish to be all that Christ would have us to be.

This is a great time to join in! Our current study is Revelation: The Christian’s Ultimate Victory by John MacArthur.

For more information and to get the zoom link, please contact Bill Patrick, 517-290-7911.

AWANA @ South Church
Jan 29 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
AWANA @ South Church

This fall we will begin our 42nd year of Awana. We will need a team of volunteers to serve in this ministry of teaching children God’s Truth. Please let us know if you’d be interested in learning about serving at Awana by contacting Kathy Risch (

Wednesday Women’s Bible Study @ Rm 201
Jan 29 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

When Faith Becomes Sight: Heaven by Jennifer RothschildHeaven. Who goes there? Where is it? What will we do there? Questions like these arise when we consider an eternal future beyond this physical life. How can we know the truth about what comes next?  In this 7-session video-based Bible study workbook, Jennifer Rothschild explores the subject of Heaven from a biblical perspective. She will separate what’s true about Heaven from what’s based on legend, media depictions, and hopeful guesses. As you walk through the study, you’ll not only gain a deeper understanding of what God has prepared for His children, but also learn how to live with confidence today as you look forward to the glorious unending that awaits. Don’t just wonder about Heaven—embrace it with a faith that turns anticipation into excitement and peace.

Wednesdays, 6:30 pm – Room 201
Beginning January 15th
Workbook $22.00 with video access
Facilitated by Tiffany Wilkinson and Melissa Gray
*Nursery, Awana and Youth activities are available for women attending the study.