We are currently offering two morning services – the Creative Service in the Chapel, and the Balanced Service in the Worship Center. Adult Bible Communities, children’s ministries and nursery are offered during both services.
9:30AM Balanced Service, Worship Center
11:00AM Creative Service, Chapel
Depending on the time of year, other programs are offered simultaneously with the services. Click below for what interests you.
Sunday Morning Schedule

Choir rehearsals are Wednesdays at 6:30 starting Jan 11th. If you have not been a part of the choir and would still like to, email Pastor Corb at info@southlife.org
For more information, click here to visit the choir page.

Hope for the Caregiver Seminar – Session #2
Join Pastor Doug Phillips, David Seal, Kelly Sites and Kuana Richardson for session 2 of Hope for the Care Giver Seminar. Thursday, June 1 in room 202 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. We will also have special guest Barb Mannino to discuss Tri County Office on Aging. This seminar is to support and encourage those who are or will be in a caregiving role.
We are currently offering two morning services – the Creative Service in the Chapel, and the Balanced Service in the Worship Center. Adult Bible Communities, children’s ministries and nursery are offered during both services.
9:30AM Balanced Service, Worship Center
11:00AM Creative Service, Chapel
Depending on the time of year, other programs are offered simultaneously with the services. Click below for what interests you.
Sunday Morning Schedule

Parent/Baby Dedication will be held during the evening service. Members of South (with children under the age of one) who are interested in participating must contact Marilyn in the church office at (517) 322-2000 or mwagner@southlife.org to register.