
Frequently Asked Questions

Why do we have an electronic check-in system? This will enhance the safety and security of all of our children from nursery up through 5th grade and give peace of mind to visitors that we have made their child(ren)’s security a top priority.

How will the check-in process work?  Each week you log into the system with your phone number.  A name badge label for each child will print out, along with a claim ticket. You will place the name label on your child (front for 1st-5th grade, back for nursery-Kindergarten), and you will keep the claim ticket which will be used to pick up your child(ren) at the end of the morning. ONLY the person with the matching claim ticket will be permitted to pick up the child(ren).

Can I check my child(ren) in at any kiosk?  There are 3 Self-station kiosks downstairs for anyone with an infant, toddler or Busy Bee. (2 at the nursery counter and 1 near the Busy Bee classroom)  There will be 2 Self-Station kiosks upstairs for anyone with Pre-K through 5th grade children.  If you are new or need assistance in checking in, please visit the Manned Station at the Children’s Information Desk (across from the Nursery).  Note: the nursery counter kiosks share a printer and sometimes the 2 kiosks upstairs share a printer, so please be sure the labels are yours before ripping them off.  Please be sure to wait for both name label and claim label to print!

What if my phone number doesn’t work or changes?  You will need to go to the Manned Station for assistance.  

What if I need 2 parent claim stickers? Re-enter your phone number, and touch your child’s name.  Choose “reprint name badge” and it will reprint.  It is the name badge – but the code matches and you will be able to pick up your child.

Can I check in all of my children at once? Yes. Once you enter your phone number, all of your children’s names will appear.

Won’t it take a long time to get my child(ren) checked in? Once you are familiar with the system, it should only be a one-minute stop at a check-in station each week.  Please note – there may be a few extra second wait before your labels print out.

May a child check themselves in? No. Parents only may use the touch screens.

How will I know if my child needs me during the morning? The phone number of the adult checking in now appears on the child’s name badge.  Teachers will call or text you if your child needs you.  As a back-up, the security code on your claim ticket (and child’s name badge) will be posted on the service screens if you do not answer your phone.  

Can I give my claim ticket to one of my older kids to pick up the younger ones? It is best for a parent to pick up their own child. When parents are serving, we do allow Jr. or Sr. High students to pick up siblings.  Elementary aged children cannot pick up other children.

What if I lose my claim ticket during the morning? Since you cannot pick up your child without it, you will need to print another tag (see instructions on how to print a 2nd claim sticker).